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  1. P

    HELP: Hen with injured led, possibly sprained!!

    Yes, I actually thought she had bumblefoot or a wound on her foot when I first saw her. But after looking at her foot, shes dosen't show any signs of either. Her ankle seems to be fine but after observing her, I think that the injure is at her hip, but when I hold her she just lets her leg hang...
  2. P

    HELP: Hen with injured led, possibly sprained!!

    I took your advice and separated her form the rest of thr flock and observed her. She's eating and drinking normally, i increased her protein by adding more mealworms and oats to her diet. I know that this is way late but her are the photos. Though it doesn't look like it in the photo, her...
  3. P

    HELP: Hen with injured led, possibly sprained!!

    I haven't added any new chickens and also i dont think its mareks either, shes a around 1 1/2 years old, but she is pretty heavy; probably weigh around 7lbs to 9 lbs. One thing I forget to mention that when I went to clean the coop some of the 2×4 that the chickens roost on had fallen. I feel...
  4. P

    HELP: Hen with injured led, possibly sprained!!

    While i was cleaning my chickens coop in the morning I noticed that one my hens was limping badly. She is hoping around but is mostly just laying under the shade. She dose get up to eat and drink but I'm worried that the injure is serious. I have already gave her some aspirin, just a small...
  5. P

    Impulsive buy! Need help identifying what breed my chicks are.

    Im sorry for the very late response, it was a chaotic week; work and family. To your first question, the chick has a single come; ill post a better picture. 3rd chick is a bit bigger but its most likely not a cornish x. Though it is a bit bigger it's mostly likely due to the chick being a male.
  6. P

    Impulsive buy! Need help identifying what breed my chicks are.

    A weeks ago my grandfather impulsively bought some chicks from TSC as a gift, and when i mean some I mean 110+ baby chicks. I managed to figure out some of the chicks breed, but there were 3 that left me wondering. Here are the pics below. 1st chick 2nd chick 3rd chick And here's them...
  7. P

    Impulsive buy! Need help identifying what breed my chicks are.

    A weeks ago my grandfather impulsively bought some chicks from TSC as a gift, and when i mean some I mean 110+ baby chicks. I managed to figure out some of the chicks breed, but there were 3 that left me wondering. Here are the pics below. 1st chick 2nd chick 3rd chick And here's them...
  8. P

    Help!! Buff chick injured, missing some of her scalp!!

    Hi, It's been a little over week and the chick is doing great. She eating and drinking, but most importantly she is energetic. I've been cleaning the wound 2 twice a day; once in the morning and once in the late evening. As much as i tried to keep the wound from drying, it scabbing over. The...
  9. P

    Help!! Buff chick injured, missing some of her scalp!!

    It looks way better than when I first find her. When i brought her in, she seemed to still be in shock. Didn't touch her food and didn't even drink any water. But the next morning she seemed to be doing better, she was eating and drinking, and most promising was when I let her out too clean her...
  10. P

    Help!! Buff chick injured, missing some of her scalp!!

    On April 7 I woke up to find one of my buff chicks had been attacked. She was missing some part of her scalp and bit of her back neck. No punctures, but just a huge portion of skin missing. On the first clean I washed the wound with water and Hydrogen peroxide. But for the last 2 days I've only...
  11. P

    Anyone try Red Rangers as egg layers?

    Red rangers or freedom rangers?
  12. P

    Freedom Rangers as laying hens - impressed so far!

    I've recently bought a batch of 20 red rangers and 10 freedom ranger. I'm wondering if you have you ever owned red rangers. I'm wanting to know witch breed is more likely to have health issues past 12 weeks of age. I'm hoping that the red rangers are healther because I'm thinking of keeping 5...
  13. P

    Red Rangers vs Freedom Rangers

    Ik, I'm very late to join the discussion but did you notice any health difference between the two breeds. For example, were the red rangers healther, less death rate, and I'm especially wondering which breed had more leg problems than the other.
  14. P

    Buff Orpington x Barred Rock results (pics)

    Wait, so you crossed a BO (hen) × Barred rock (Ro) correct. Because one of my buff orpington Hen hatched literally one egg, and I'm pretty sure that the roo was a barred rock. The chick is now 5 week old, but is almost complete brownish, gold. I'll post a pick of the little guy when I get the...
  15. P

    Buff Orpington x Barred Rock results (pics)

    Not exactly, just curious if anyone every hade the chance to have this fun combination of chicken. I'm more interested in knowing of how they well look like . For example, well they be barred with different colors or like thier father with just different varieties of colors.
  16. P

    Buff Orpington x Barred Rock results (pics)

    Older thread, but has anyone ever crossed a jumbile orpington (roo) x barred rock (hen). Just wondering because I happen to be in this situation. My hen is about ready to hatch her eggs and it want to know what to expect. Can't handle the wait.:wee
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