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  1. Pesce08

    Pregnant potbelly?!?

    So woke up today to her nesting really bad. She has been at it all day! She is peeing and pooping every 5 minutes. To the point now where there is no pop coming out anymore. She has white discharge coming out of her. She will not rest every time she lays down she gets back up...
  2. Pesce08

    Pregnant potbelly?!?

    Well she has no milk. But she is bagged up you can see the individual teats. Her vulva is a little swollen not like gigantic or anything. She is very irritable. She still lives belly rubs :) changing positions a lot. Hasn't started nesting yet.. she will make her bed to just lay on right now
  3. Pesce08

    Pregnant potbelly?!?

    Ok so recently( today) my pig has gotten aggressive toward the dog and my kids. Normally you can pet her and she lays there but she snapped at my kids hand. Sometimes she smells the dog and today she snapped and hissed at him. .. could this mean she is close to labor?
  4. Pesce08

    Pregnant potbelly?!?

    I hope soon! I'm so excited! I try not to watch her all the time but I just can't help it! Will they always Express milk?
  5. Pesce08

    Pregnant pig

    Pregnant pig
  6. Pesce08

    New Addition - pregnant pig?

    Hey guys. So I believe my pig is pregnant too but not sure when she is due. We separated her from all other pigs and her nipples are bagged out. Her vulva is swollen but not real swollen. She has been nesting but no milk. Can anyone help!
  7. Pesce08

    Pregnant potbelly?!?

    I have a pig and her name is Charlotte! She is pregnant but not sure how pregnant she is. She is showing alot of signs like nesting and not wanting to move much. She is still eating and drinking. Her vulva is swollen a bit her nipples have bagged out. Any signs I should watch for? Here is a pic...
  8. Pesce08


    Hey guys! I have a pregnant potbelly pig. I dont know when she got pregnant or how long she has been pregnant. She has been totally lazy and today she got a burst of energy. Her nipples are bagged out and her vulva is swollen but no milk at all. She is eating. But tonight she screamed at me for...
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