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  1. H

    Swedish flower chickw hens or roos?

    Hatched by us. About 3 to 4 weeks ago.
  2. H

    Sex of my buff orpington.

    It's about 5w old prominate comb. Any guesses. We think the golden laced is a roo.
  3. H

    Incubating eggs for the first time.

    The ones in currently are posted. But were here in kinda reasonable time.
  4. H

    Incubating eggs for the first time.

    Any tips for a beginner hatcher. I've got 2 more sets in another bater on day 9 and day 5. All seem growing
  5. H

    Incubating eggs for the first time.

    Did not see movement and air cells were rather large. Last day candled was day 18
  6. H

    Incubating eggs for the first time.

    We made a homemade incubator using a styrofoam cooler and a InkbirdITC-308 Digital Temperature Controller 2-Stage Outlet Thermostat Heating and Cooling Mode Carboy Homebrew Fermenter Greenhouse Terrarium 110V 10A 1100W With a humidity reader and temperature reader in there. Eggs had been good...
  7. H

    Rhode island red pullets.

    Sold to me as RIR pullets about 3 to 4 months old. Are they truly RIR
  8. H

    Rhode island red hen? Wyandotte hens?

    Very reassuring thank you!
  9. H

    Rhode island red hen? Wyandotte hens?

    Good to know. They have gotten darker red since I posted that picture.
  10. H

    Rhode island red hen? Wyandotte hens?

    Gotcha, I know they were sold to me as RIR. I'm worried they're sex links or productions and won't be around as long and only lay 2 or 3 years.
  11. H

    Rhode island red hen? Wyandotte hens?

    My red sex link is much lighter than these kids.
  12. H

    Rhode island red hen? Wyandotte hens?

    Are these two rhode island red hens? 2 pics per bird. And are these what I think are wyandottes hens? Again 2 pics per bird. They'll be 4 months old beginning of December
  13. H

    Chicks and adult chickens.

    I ended up closing them in there at night last night. And everyone did fine! Let them out super early like usual.
  14. H

    Chicks and adult chickens.

    I'll see where they go
  15. H

    Chicks and adult chickens.

    I don't leave the chick coop open cause then the big hens go roost in there. The chick coop has seen better days
  16. H

    Chicks and adult chickens.

    They are out together during the day and coop up in seperate coops at night.
  17. H

    Chicks and adult chickens.

    I have a flock of 9 and a small flock of 8 who are almost 2 months old. They have been with the big hens from about a month old. Is it safe to coop them up with the big girls? They haven't shown any aggression.
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