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  1. Birdello

    Breaking A Broody Silkie

    The wire mesh on the bottom of the cage....must be an Aussie thing looks a little different but it’s a lightweight fine wire fencing that comes in rolls
  2. Birdello

    Breaking A Broody Silkie

    Thanks so much. She has a perch and proper chicken wire on the floor. I took her out this morning with the other girls and she went to run back into her nesting box. Back into the crate she went. I feel so mean :(
  3. Birdello

    Breaking A Broody Silkie

    Ugh....I’ve tried everything and crating Dolly Parton is my last resort. She’s been broody for almost four weeks...I’ve kicked her out of the coop, constantly removed her from the nesting box and feeding her treats to keep her interested but nothing is working. I’ve just picked up this crate and...
  4. Birdello

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    One beautiful, perfect egg from our new Silkie. Our very first egg!!!!
  5. Birdello

    Is whole corn good for your chickens?

    Thanks for your quick reply :)
  6. Birdello

    Is whole corn good for your chickens?

    Sorry to butt in on a thread that’s not mine but can I hang a entire cob of corn in the run for a treat and play thing for my girls? Kinda the same way as cabbage? Thanks :)
  7. Birdello

    Feeding meat to Chickens.

    Ooooh.....if it does get into the eggs it might taste like bacon and just an egg!
  8. Birdello

    Trimming a Silkie around the eyes...

    Also, think you might be able to get more of an even grade so it doesn't look to "blunt". Might even pop a Nike symbol in there if my hand is steady enough....haha....kidding.
  9. Birdello

    Trimming a Silkie around the eyes...

    Hey Peeps, I'm not sure if this is in the right place but have been reading about Silkies having a wee trim around their eyes to help with their vision. Most people seem to use scissors which seem a little scary for me. I'm wondering if anyone has used an electric men's razor (the sideburn...
  10. Birdello

    Silkie thread!

    SQUEEEEEE! I love seeing all your gorgeous Silkies!!!
  11. Birdello

    *waves* Hi!!!

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m really enjoying browsing through this site (especially using the app!). Will definitely check out the Silkies thread. Have a great weekend everyone!!
  12. Birdello

    *waves* Hi!!!

    Hi Peeps! Greetings from Perth, Western Australia! I’m doing a backyard Reno and am excited about getting some Silkies (and getting rid of the trampoline!). I’ve been researching my pants off and have chosen the coop, know what bedding/feed/feeders to buy and think 4 Silkie ladies would be...
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