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  1. Logieberg


  2. Logieberg


    Hey guys! Texas is REALLY BAD with fleas right now. I need to treat my yard because we just can’t get them under control and the rescue kittens we have seem to be patient zero right now but with every dawn dish soap bath, it’s killing a good amount but it’s not stopping the fleas that have...
  3. Logieberg

    New here!

    Hey guys, my name is Logan Roy. My wife and I got married in December last year. When she and the kids moved in two years ago, she convinced me to get chickens, well, it wasn’t arm twisting. It was more, hey let’s get chickens and I was more let’s go to tractor supply with puppy dog eyes. Haha...
  4. Logieberg

    I’m new to chickens, what breed is this????

    Hey guys. I’ve only had chickens for a year, spring came and I added to my flock. I figured out this morning this handsome little guy is a rooster from him raising his hackle feathers and keeping the other chicks in line when they were acting out. So what breed is he??
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