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  1. Epnh77

    Coop Ventilation

    Thank you… I have inserts that fit in the window frame to close or partially close it.
  2. Epnh77

    Coop Ventilation

    Hi all. I’ve finished building my larger coop (it took me a few years of slow weekend work)and fortified it after a fisher cat took my whole flock last winter. My main concern for winter is ventilation. I have vents over the door and in the eaves of the roof. Should I completely close the window...
  3. Epnh77

    Feather loss around neck

    Thank you! I thought maybe that’s it but I’ve never had a chicken lose them in a perfect ring :)
  4. Epnh77

    Feather loss around neck

    Hi! I have one chicken who has lost feathers in a ring around her neck. There are no visible injuries or bugs. Her eating habits are fine and I haven’t observed the one rooster we have being rough with her or any of the hens. I’m hoping someone has thoughts or ideas based on experiences with...
  5. Epnh77

    The Trio

    She’s by far the friendliest. She follows me around when I work I’m the yard.
  6. Epnh77

    Building my first coop

    I appreciate all of the suggestions and positivity here! Thank you... I needed something to focus on outside of all of life’s problems and the chickens have been a great experience (plus some unanticipated carpentry).
  7. Epnh77

    Building my first coop

    I have a small vent under the two overhangs and this larger one over the door... do you think more is needed? Also the window opens completely for warmer weather.
  8. Epnh77

    Building my first coop

    Thanks! I am starting to plan the new run now and will do that. I hadn’t thought about overhang for the nesting box but that makes a lot of sense.
  9. Epnh77

    Building my first coop

    Thank you for the suggestion. I added tyvek on the floor at someone’s suggestion as well — idea being to keep it from rotting out too quickly.
  10. Epnh77

    The Trio

    I got these three as day-olds along with a rooster who has a new home. Looking to add three more as I’m building a bigger coop.
  11. Epnh77

    Building my first coop

    I’m pretty new to having chickens, and decided to build a coop after starting the spring and summer in a pre-fab that was clearly not going to work for the New Hampshire winter. I’m no carpenter, so this has been a learning experience for sure. Currently I still need to add siding, trim, and a...
  12. Epnh77

    9 week olds

    Excellent, thanks for the suggestions!
  13. Epnh77

    9 week olds

    Thank you! This is helpful. Luckily being rural, and having no rules against roosters is on my side.
  14. Epnh77

    9 week olds

    Hi all, I’m new to raising chickens, and started with dayolds in the house in March — now out in a small coop while I build a bigger one. I have 2 NH reds and two Plymouth rocks. One started crowing last week, so I guess one’s not quite the lady I expected. I have questions about what to do...
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