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  1. Aussiechickgirl

    Hands on hatching and help

    Hi guys I am hoping you might be able to help me. I have been hatching 12 Buff Orpington Duck Eggs and we are currently at Day 31 (2 days past due) everyone has hatched except 4. One of the 4 had pipped and done very little for over 48 hours so I have chipped back the air cell and could see some...
  2. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    Here's an update guys - now 13 / 14 weeks old and I'm still stumped 🤣
  3. Aussiechickgirl

    Orpington chicks- help with sexing

    I grabbed these two chicks from a breeder who were being severely picked on in the brooder as 3 (ish) week olds and im wondering if they are Roos or pullets? They are approx 7/8 weeks old Chick one in first three pics and chick two in comments
  4. Aussiechickgirl

    A guess at my SL wyandotte chicks?

    Hi guys, I know it's early to tell for sure but my SLW are 6 weeks and I'm thinking they are both roos in which case I'd rather move them on sooner than wait it out if I'm over 90% sure.
  5. Aussiechickgirl

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    I'm not super convinced on what he is to be really honest. Not that it really matters, he was sold to me as a silver Sussex and he really is the biggest sweetheart so he gets to stay
  6. Aussiechickgirl

    Buff Orpington sexing *help!*

    Funnily enough, the chicks actually came from the same place! They have a complete breeding set up from incubation/rearing/slaughter purely for meat birds. We have a terrible cockrel dumping issue in our state and if more people were more responsible with 'disposing' correctly there wouldn't be...
  7. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    It was only used as a guide and more for interest purposes. But on this occasion, the Sussex chicks and orpington chicks have been 100% accurate according to the wing sexing done at 2 day olds.
  8. Aussiechickgirl

    Buff Orpington sexing *help!*

    They are for feeding purposes :thumbsup
  9. Aussiechickgirl

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    High of 27°C here today so not super hot! Thank good. I've just bought supplies to start my own meal worm colony and grabbed a few snaps of the (now a lot smaller and more relaxed flock);
  10. Aussiechickgirl

    Buff Orpington sexing *help!*

    Thanks for your help guys, my extra roos went off to the wildlife park last night and were confirmed all boys. I've kept a roo and pullet and you can very clearly see the difference in this shot I just snapped
  11. Aussiechickgirl

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    :lau the one lucky boy that gets to stay with us! The rest of his brothers were dropped off at the local wildlife park today. It was very sad, but in a way I'm glad I was able to give them the best first 9 weeks I could!
  12. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    Oh i see! :confused: I'm not fussed as long as it lays eggs ! Wing sexing for this particular chick says cockrel but I'll give it a few weeks!
  13. Aussiechickgirl

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Sure is. Luckily of the 18 chicks (now 8 weeks old) I will only be keeping 4 :hmm
  14. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    I'm not sure what a beard is? do you mean the feathers between it's wattles? It was sold to me as a Lavender Sussex day old, but I have no way of guaranteeing how pure it would be.
  15. Aussiechickgirl

    Hello from Tasmania!

    Hi Ellie! I am also a fellow Tasmanian ! nice to meet you! :)
  16. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    Best I have ATM while I'm at work but I can get one later on
  17. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    I'll keep you all updated :)
  18. Aussiechickgirl

    What Is this Lavender Sussex ?

    The only thing that makes me suspect roo is the red tinge. My other pullets have no colouring to them at all yet.
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