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  1. B

    My chickens refuse to eat layer crumbles

    Hi there you all! (smiles) I come and go here, so sorry if I missed past notes and all that either to me or posted. It's been a hard year overall for me, so I wandered aimlessly from here. Lol. I have a question about the feed in all poultry-type brands. I have partridges, a pheasant, and two...
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    Hens won't eat Purina Layena of any variety.

    I wish I looked into this question earlier. My hens HATE it, too! I am going NUTS trying to get them to regain weight! They need good food. I have been giving them human food until I find something. I cooked unseasoned sirloin pork I love and eat, pasta unseasoned, greens, wheat germ, etc., I...
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    Sprouts anyone?

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I can't grow it, but I get mixed sprouts from the store since I only have a few chickens. I also get ground flaxseed and mash pine nuts and sunflower seeds, etc. for extra treats now and then.
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    Let's see your broody's mound of horror.

    So true! I've seen some that look like a dog did it! I'm still laughing, no offense to your hen!
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    :loveThank you for your input! I swear, it really helps. It is amazingly stressful knowing I have God's creatures here and I am trying my heartfelt best. I really hope they make it. I really hope all goes well. You have (maybe, ..) no idea how much I worry! So I truly and entirely appreciate...
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    I'm gonna try calibrating my most dependable temp. gauge and then check the rest. Bless you all...

    I'm gonna try calibrating my most dependable temp. gauge and then check the rest. Bless you all for your help! I deeply appreciate all your input. I'm calming-down. Life forms are so fragile!!! It's heavy!!!
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Thank you. That much I can grasp. When my head calms down, I'll do the Ice method since I am not sure I can put the digital meat thermometer in boiling water (?) but that opens up another can of worms since I better look into what temps. it can handle. It's not a candy thermometer, nor an...
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Sorry, I posted the picture to a different responder, I am a bit getting confused. I'm old. I'm tired. I'm...:confused:
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    I know I'm at "chirping" status here now, BUT I REALLY SHOULD BE AT SQUAKING!!!! It drives me coo-coo incubating. But I think I'm at an agreement with two of my meters and I'm going to cross my fingers and keep praying. I mean it. I pray! Along with science, I pray.:he:lau
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Basically through logic. Now two meters agree, and the other ones are in the same field of "thought" with it. I can't find any means at which to do any perfect temperature gauge calibration method. I can't check the exact calibrated heat or cold source unless I know the calibrator is calibrated...
  11. B

    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Thank you everyone for helping with your ideas! I really appreciate it! This is a science in patience and heart-felt spazz-attacks! I'm just doting around like a fool trying to keep it around the temp. I'm supposed to. Ironically, I have bantams, hens that is. But they are not broody now. They...
  12. B

    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    I called him. Two days ago. His name was Morgan. Funny I recall his name since I'm awful at remembering names. He said I was okay at 100F high and 100F set. But then all meters go down. Do you know the digital meat cooking thermometer I have that I bought from Bed Bath & Beyond for around...
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Thank you for responding to me!! I tried to post pictures. I had a child take it through my web cab, so it isn't perfect since I had to pose them and push mouse button. My cell can't play today. Sorry. I don't have much help here. But it's that incubator you see. I have a cheapo digital...
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    I honestly don't know how to calibrate them because I have nothing that is consistent in here to base a true reading off of. Okay. I do not know how to do that. Thence the millions (" ") gauges. All different. Or, I go back to 100F incubator, and I bet they won't make it. It's day 14.
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    The insanity I'm suffering with incubator setting conflicts for Chukar eggs requirements

    Hi! I'm going through the exact same thing mentioned in other posts regarding hatching eggs and struggling with incubator temperature readings. I think I have brain-socked myself silly like I'm mentally punch-drunk!!! The incubator I have currently in use I got from a suggestion here, but it...
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    Advice on thermometer/hygrometer

    Hi! I know this is an old message, but I'm going through the exact same thing. The incubator I have currently in use I got from a suggestion here, but it doesn't seem to reflect the proper temp. It can only be set to what is the "recommended temp. for the breed of bird egg I want to hatch". But...
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    Did you ever get help on it? It just happened to me! I did the exact same thing. I think I have a crappy incubator. I got it out of a suggestion here, I should go back to my old one, but it's too big for what I have. But I bet it's better (my other one I'm not using). The one I have I must...
  18. B

    EMERGENCY HELP PLEASE!!!!!!Respiratory Issue just started

    I am not a chicken specialist. I've only had them for six years or seven years. First, don't hesitate to ask a veterinarian about it. But: My chickens now and then "sneeze." No beak opened with mine, other than after running around, etc. If they are hot or excited, they pant or something like...
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