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  1. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    Thank you, I’m going to go look for buttermilk at the store now.
  2. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    Here is my little Sweet Pea - she’s a project mille fleur bantam and the most personable sweet little chicken, I’m so worried about her :( I made the mixture of endocox powder using 1/4 tsp in a quart mason jar and she sipped some of the mixture (thank you @Eggcessive). I also made her a...
  3. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I had read something somewhere as well about certain strains of cocci being resistant to Corid and now I’m thinking this might be what’s going on here. It killed those other much younger chicks so quickly and I’m so worried about whatever strain...
  4. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    This definitely makes sense then and I regret doing the rooster booster now. I had read on a blog somewhere that good probiotics can help in the fight against bad bugs in her system, but that would definitely explain why she seems to be reverting to a weaker version of herself again. I’ll get...
  5. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    Thank you for the help with the conversion for a smaller quantity. I’m going to start this right now because the poor thing is seeming as weak as she was on Friday again :( Thank you so much, and I’ll keep everyone posted.
  6. sweetfieldsfarm

    Please help! Hen dying from cocci - should I use toltrazuril?

    Please help - I feel desperate and sad writing this, and I’ve searched endlessly online without too many clear answers. My sweet 6 month old pullet who of course has quickly become one of my favorites of all time (named Sweet Pea) was in a pen with two other younger chicks that died suddenly...
  7. sweetfieldsfarm

    Introducing New Geese to the Flock - Disease Risks?

    Thank you for the advice and I think that’s a great plan! I’ll definitely set them up somewhere else for now just to be on the safe side. I appreciate the responses on this and just was worrying about the flock I have now. I’m hoping for the best :)
  8. sweetfieldsfarm

    Introducing New Geese to the Flock - Disease Risks?

    Right now I have about 40 chickens, and 20 ducks and we have four medium to large open ponds out on our 5 acre parcel. The chickens and ducks come in to roost in the barn at night and I was thinking these geese easily could as well. I just know she was looking for a home for these geese and...
  9. sweetfieldsfarm

    Introducing New Geese to the Flock - Disease Risks?

    Hi all, im still new to the forum here, but I’m seeking advice. I practice safety and good bio security here with my flock of chickens and ducks as much as possible, which includes only hatching my own eggs or hatching shipped hatching eggs. I’ve never taken in live poultry before in trying to...
  10. sweetfieldsfarm

    Levamisole wormer info needed

    Thank you both @casportpony and @Eggcessive! You have been so helpful with figuring this all out! I honestly just had too much of a headache last night from the various numbers to attempt anything just yet lol :p I'm so happy to be here in good company though! I'm also excited to participate in...
  11. sweetfieldsfarm

    Levamisole wormer info needed

    Thank you also casportpony! I trust you both and the community here more than most! :) I think it was just getting to a point where my head was hurting with all of the different numbers trying to figure this out last night. The friend of a friend raises silkies and sweared by it, but of course...
  12. sweetfieldsfarm

    Levamisole wormer info needed

    LOL! Right? Mine is too! :th You are so kind to help me with all of this though! If all else fails, I can always buy something new if this is not all that safe to use too.
  13. sweetfieldsfarm

    Levamisole wormer info needed

    Thank you and I did see that part of the post - so based on that math as I am needing to know how much powder for a 5 gallon waterer bucket – “you could try mixing 1.1 grams with 20 ml of water and that will give you 20 ml @ 50 mg/ml” I get 5 gallons = 18,927 ml so 18,927 ml divided by 20...
  14. sweetfieldsfarm

    Levamisole wormer info needed

    Hi, I am new here, and a friend of a friend once recommended using prohibit levamisole drench powder to worm my flock. I have around 80 chickens, ranging from LF to bantam, and I just want to make sure I am giving the right dosage in their drinking water. I have a 5 gallon waterer that they all...
  15. sweetfieldsfarm

    De-Worming Chickens when and how often

    Hi, I am new here, and a friend of a friend once recommended using prohibit levamisole drench powder to worm my flock. I have around 80 chickens, ranging from LF to bantam, and I just want to make sure I am giving the right dosage in their drinking water. I have a 5 gallon waterer that they all...
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