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  1. Holtstead15

    Poopy Butt

    Thank you. We found a round worm several weeks ago but treated the flock with Safeguard. Just curious, how do you treat yours and is there a withdrawal period for eggs? Do you have a treatment schedule like preventative or is it when you see a worm ?
  2. Holtstead15

    Poopy Butt

    I wasn't sure where to post this question as I am pretty sure that my hen is healthy. She is laying, eating, and seems to be a happy member of the flock. Her butt, on the other hand has poop hanging from it. She doesn't seem bothered by it at all. Due to cold temps here in the North East, I...
  3. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    No, I was prepared to take a photo but when I broke it open, and just the yoke poured out, it didn't seem worthwhile at that point. The ultra thin membrane had no veins. I'm relieved, I guess? My ladies have been laying beautiful eggs with hard shells up until now. I did put oyster shells out...
  4. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    I managed to retrieve it from the garbage before our sanitation company picked up this a.m. It appeared to have a thin translucent membrane. When I broke it, yolk spilled out.
  5. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    Yes, I treated all of the hens because we didn't know which one had problems.
  6. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    Liquid. 1 ounce per 15 pounds of feed.
  7. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    I'm feeding them layer feed. I will add a separate container of oyster shell tomorrow. I recently treated the hens with Safeguard because I saw a roundworm in the stool. Thank you so much. I'll keep an eye out on the activity.
  8. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    No, unfortunately not. I threw it away. It was need ball like consistency.
  9. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    Yes, I probably do. I have some that I do not have an exact age on because I didn't raise them from chicks.
  10. Holtstead15

    Egg Worries

    I was collecting eggs and found this today. It is spongy in texture and as you can see...a bit bloody. How concerned should I be ?
  11. Holtstead15

    What breed is this?

    Thank you!
  12. Holtstead15

    What breed is this?

    It The eggs are very light green...pale
  13. Holtstead15

    What breed is this?

    Yes, she is laying. We have several breeds so I wasn't sure who was laying the green eggs. Thanks!
  14. Holtstead15

    What breed is this?

    We are also trying to identify this hen.
  15. Holtstead15

    What breed is this?

    Can someone help me to identify the breed of this hen? We call her Beardsley.
  16. Holtstead15


    Thanks so very much for taking the time to help and provide me such helpful information. Can the liquid safeguard for goats also be added to the water source ? If so, any concerns when it comes to eating the eggs?
  17. Holtstead15


    Help! Over the weekend, I discovered round worms when I was doing the a.m. cleaning of one of the coops. The coops are cleaned regularly but I removed all pine shavings, dusted heavily with food grade DE, and added some Safeguard (fenbendazole) to the feed. I also added ACV to the water...
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