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  1. C

    Fighting + possibly injured chicks

    they can get bullied to that point, not a lot you can do, try putting a capfull of apple cider vinigar in their water, helps prevent infection. also chances are the bullies are roosters.
  2. C

    Eye bubbles

    HI, this could be a respiratory problem. i've had this before, i treated this with penicillen but i forgot the dosage, also be sure to monitor fluids, and give probiotics. also call your vet and ask what you can do.
  3. C

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    just want you to know, it's very unlikely that this was your fault. it happens all the time, chances are that it took too long to get out ( it was not strong enough) in time and shrink wrapped,( they will all shrink wrap if they take too long) and for future hatches, you can leave all of the...
  4. C

    How cold can eggs get before you can't incubate them?

    7 days! eggs can sit 7 days after being layed before the fertility drops vastly every day after that. I set eggs every sunday.
  5. C

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    No problem! feel free to ask abt chickens anytime!
  6. C

    looking for Salmon fravrolle fort scott ks?

    looking for salmon fravrolle adult, chick, hatching eggs. in ks, mo. area.
  7. C

    Has anyone purchased chicks from Hilltop Farms in California? *Do not buy from Hilltop Farms! Negative experiences are in the thread!!!*

    i have never gotten chicks myself but i know ppl who have and they all say good things, good luck!
  8. C

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    some chicks never make it out, they just aren't strong enough. but you can try putting a warm damp paper towel around it, that can help soften the egg and ease pipping.
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