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  1. Amber C

    2021 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

    From left to right , Mona (Golden Wyandotte), Dodi (Ameracauna), Roxie (Ameracuana), Pam (Buckeye)
  2. Amber C

    Hawk Help Needed

    We also have a fish pond, and a crane was trying to get at our Koi fish. We bought a Crane decoy from amazon for $30. Not sure if this is really why,but since we put the decoy up we have not seen a hawk in our woods/ yard since. They would usually visit at least once a week prior to the decoy.
  3. Amber C

    brooder bedding

    Pine shavings worked the best for us. It really isn't too messy if you keep up with it. I would just use a shop vac and re place the bedding every 5-7 days or so.
  4. Amber C

    Two weeks old

    They are growing fast ! Still doing great except Dodi has pasty butt issues I have to keep a close eye on. So I just started them on some probiotic water and introduced some grit .
  5. Amber C

    New to Chicks

    We have 😊 they are only 4 days old and have grown so much right before our eyes
  6. Amber C

    New to Chicks

    Thank you
  7. Amber C

    New to Chicks

    We are getting our flock in 3 short days. We're getting 7 different breeds including Ameraucana , Buckeye, Buff Brahma, Buff Orpington, Golden Laced wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, and an Olive Egger. We are very excited and can't wait to see all their personalities and fit within our family.
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