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  1. NightFury06

    Chicken with tail down, eyes half closed

    She doesn’t seem to have any trouble walking. I haven’t seen her poo, so I don’t have any photos at the moment. I can’t say whether she’s been losing weight, her crop is very empty, although she is interested in pecking at food and things. Her keel does seem to be sticking out a lot compared to...
  2. NightFury06

    Chicken with tail down, eyes half closed

    Hiya! I noticed last night that Myrtle’s back half - not crop - seemed a bit swollen almost, but because it was so dark I couldn’t really look. I’ve just let them out this morning, and her tail is down, her eyes are half-lidded, and her comb is quite purple too. She still seems to have a lot to...
  3. NightFury06

    Silkie with poo on feathers

    Thank you, I’ll try this!
  4. NightFury06

    Silkie with poo on feathers

    Thank you, I didn’t know whether I should leave them!
  5. NightFury06

    Silkie with poo on feathers

    I didn’t quite know where to put this?! Anyway, my silkie (being tiny) managed to find her way under the behind of one of my other girls, and now she has a poop on her back! I’m not entirely sure how to clean it off - it’s not her own vent area, so I don’t really want to just trim it. She is...
  6. NightFury06

    Gender conformation please!

    Wow, that’s a stunner too!
  7. NightFury06

    Gender conformation please!

    Thank you so much! I’m so relieved, she’s my absolute favourite, and I’ve had to let go of all my boys. Tuppence will definitely live a long happy life here then!
  8. NightFury06

    Gender conformation please!

    Hi, I have this 17 week Brahma (probably) chick, and I’d be grateful if anyone could tell me what gender it is. Really hoping for a girl, as so far 5/6 of the chicks have been boys!! If these photos aren’t adequate, I can go out and take some more :)
  9. NightFury06

    Lethargic hen not walking

    Here’s a photo of the foot, she didn’t like me touching it.
  10. NightFury06

    Lethargic hen not walking

    She’s about 3/4 years old, and does still lay eggs, although she’s stopped this last week. I’m making sure she’s drinking now, but I will try giving her vitamins! :)
  11. NightFury06

    Lethargic hen not walking

    I thought at first she may be eggbound, but given that she’s pooping I’d say she’s not. Also, I would’ve expected her to have died by now, realistically. I cant see any visible injuries; but that’s not to say there aren’t any.
  12. NightFury06

    Lethargic hen not walking

    About a week ago I noticed my hen, Gertrude, not looking keen to walk, not joining with the others, just generally not seeming herself. However a few days ago she worsened considerably, lying on her side, not even moving when I pushed her. I honestly thought that she was dead. Anyway, I took...
  13. NightFury06

    Chick with pecked head

    Thank you very much! 5/8 so far, very exciting!
  14. NightFury06

    Chick with pecked head

    One of my chicks in the incubator has had her head pecked. There’s some dried blood on her head and by her beak. I can’t really take her out yet as there are still 3 chicks yet to hatch, two of which have pipped. When I do take her out, how should I treat her? I have included some photos of her...
  15. NightFury06

    Slippery incubator floor

    Thank you, this really has helped! I’ve included a photo of my incubator, just for interest.
  16. NightFury06

    Chose an egg to root for! - Hatch-Along

    I’m hoping for Fanny to hatch!
  17. NightFury06

    Slippery incubator floor

    Hi, I know it’s stupid but I COMPLETELY forgot that chicks need a non-slip floor! I’m on day 20, two chicks have pipped already and I don’t know what to do! I have a Brinsea incubator with a smooth plastic floor, and I really don’t want any of them to get splay legs. It would be a real faff to...
  18. NightFury06

    Fledgling Blackbird

    Thank you everyone for the help!
  19. NightFury06

    Fledgling Blackbird

    It’s too late to call them now, but I can try tomorrow, and see if they will take him, or if they suggest anything else?
  20. NightFury06

    Fledgling Blackbird

    My friends cat brought in a fledgling blackbird and, having no experience with birds, she took it to me. I cannot see any visible wounds, it is hopping and chirping in no obvious pain. I gave it some rehydrated mealworms and banana, which it ate. My question is; what is the next step? My...
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