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  1. S

    Video of gaping chicken, anyone with suggestions?

    She does get grit and she free ranges around our yard. hmmm, okay will try that. Hopefully she will make it through the night. Thank you.
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    Video of gaping chicken, anyone with suggestions?

    Our 16 month old hen has been acting very lethargic and has been doing the movement with her mouth, neck, and chest that is shown in the video link above. She doesn't appear to be coughing or sneezing and crop feels normal. We are wondering if anyone has seen this before or has some suggestions...
  3. S

    Brahma Feet Injuries

    Hello, Our Brahma hen has what looks like a scab on the top of her foot (black/brown area in the photos) with some redness and bleeding surrounding. Today, we noticed a wound on the side of her leg, just above the same foot. It seems like she has lost feathers where the scab currently is. She...
  4. S

    New Mexico

    I will set up the nesting boxes hopefully by next week. Right now they are between 16-18 weeks old. We let them out in our yard for part of the day typically in the afternoon. They have quite a few fav spots in the yard by trees. I am afraid I will find some eggs in the garden beds. Yes I use...
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    New Mexico

    Okay, I see.Thank you. How do you make them use next boxes? I am afraid mine will lay all around the yard, as they have several places they move around during the day.
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    New Mexico

    My chicks are between 17 and 15 weeks old now. Ginger, the buff Orpington is really looking red! and so does Clove, the Australorp. The Brahma is only 15 weeks old, but she looks about the same size as everyone. But she still behaves like a little chick. I have been finding a lot of feathers in...
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    New Mexico

    Yes, definitely summers will be a lot warmer. Such a beautiful area. All the best to you!
  8. S

    Do pullets chest bump?

    Update: Chicks between 10-12 weeks old. Everyone is trained to go in their coop at night. No one tries to fly at me. They have settled in and go in their coop and run at dusk like clockwork. No flashlight needed! Cinnamon, my Welsummer is the top hen. She rallies everyone in the coop. Ginger...
  9. S

    Vocal 6 week old chicks at dusk!

    and cinnamon, my welsummer is very intelligent. She is at the top of the pecking order now and she really calls any stragglers left behind to get in the coop at night.
  10. S

    Vocal 6 week old chicks at dusk!

    Yes, I agree, that was a phase and thankfully it has passed! They are all now between 10-12 weeks old. They have finally figured out where their coop and where to roost at night. As soon as it is dusk, they all line up to go up to the coop on their ladder. It is like clockwork. While inside...
  11. S

    Adding an older pullet to a flock of young pullets

    Yeah, that's my worry too. As she is the only one, she must be stressed about the whole situation from last night and now introducing her to a new place with new birds. I just want to make sure she is comfortable, but also concerned about the safety and well being of my flock.
  12. S

    Adding an older pullet to a flock of young pullets

    Thank you! I will try to find a big dog crate for the same. I saw quite a few threads here on the same topic. All good info.
  13. S

    Adding an older pullet to a flock of young pullets

    Hello, We are new to raising backyard chickens.Our 5 pullets are 11-9 weeks old right now. The breeds are Welsummer, Brahma, BO, Australorp, Cuckoo Maran. All of 5 of them are now trained to go in their coop at night and they all seem to get along very well. I think my welsummer is at the top...
  14. S

    New Mexico

    Yes quality baits will have some pullets. Are you looking for chicks or full grown hens. I know someone in South Valley who has several breeds, namely americaunas, blue rock, australorps, RI blues, Barred Rock. I think they might be 4 weeks old by now. I have visited her while looking for BOs...
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    Deworming Chickens as preventative care

    Okay, thank you guys. Right now, they seem to be eating and pooping alright. They are very active, looking at every opportunity to get out their run. they are getting ants, squash bugs, roaches, & all kinds of bugs. Its no way stopping them! Tinnie, the brahma, she is 8 weeks old, is a direct...
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    New Mexico

    Oh no, do you remember when was their hatch date. I remember seeing in the chart they were handing out, they had some polish from 5/20, but were straight run. Maybe they made a mistake?
  17. S

    New Mexico

    Oh nice! it is about time we got some moisture:) though it is just trying to rain here today. May be at night we may get some! Definitely is a lot cooler though
  18. S

    New Mexico

    Okay thank you. This morning I let them out of their run to explore the garden and cleaned their coop and run of any droppings. Never have I ever examined poop so intensely! :D It has been shining here nicely. I did get Corid at TSC, though they only had powder kind. Thank you! I have been...
  19. S

    New Mexico

    It has been raining in Albuquerque since 5 pm. It occasionally stopped. My chooks were very excited. They stayed in their run, which is covered and has a metal roof on it for the most part. but they went out in the rain, when it was drizzling. I cleaned their poop in the run and coop, and...
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    New Mexico

    Okay, I know now the scoop on poop! Cecal poop is the one that is runny and smells really bad!💩 Will do that in the fall. This was my birthday gift this July! So I am very excited. I want the birds to be successful! Thank y'all....
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