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  1. C

    Duck coop

    My daughter and I built this for her ducks out of almost all recycled items. The coop cost 47.00 including the parts for the drain for her pool....not too shabby for our first try. She would like to add a shower/filter. Has anyone had luck with one?(the nesting box isn't in this pic, but they do...
  2. C

    That answers that....

    Apparently, I will not be getting eggs from my black copper marans ......
  3. C

    Silkie gender

    These are all the same bird, just wondering if he is a rooster?
  4. C

    Newish to Chickens

    One of these dudes decided to put us for having roosters at 6AM....😢😢any chance my neighbors will just ignore it...
  5. C

    Newish to Chickens

    My family (4 kids ages) and I had a small flock of chickens (4) that we LOVED for 4 years. I didn't really know what I was doing. They were gifted to us from a friend whose HOA made them give them away. Dogs got in and killed them...we all cried. We are starting over now with a new flock of...
  6. C

    Let's play pullet or cockerel!!

    The one with the brown on it's neck is 10-12 weeks old. The rest of them are all younger ...8ish weeks old.
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