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  1. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    Thx for the info I did try this yesterday after I soaked him for a bit then I tried to lightly pull it off, it moved a little bit but it was taking a top layer of his skin with it, so I stopped with it after I saw drop of blood because I was worried it would hurt him as this is my first time...
  2. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    okay thanks for the info friend very helpful advice. Soaking him again now to see if i can get any of it loose and finally some pieces are starting to come off after 4 days of soaking him so far, I did notice a nit stock fall off into the water with some fecal matter though i grabbed with...
  3. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    the ear canker/lice thing was from this time last year ironically. and cant find the close thread button looked all over the site for it to no luck so i just kind of kept it open id close it other wise as that issue is solved now, I know also how to deal with mites for while now that's not the...
  4. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    hello there guys, so the title says it all here in this case, last couple days now about four i noticed my rooster has had hard time pooping which he never does he was making straining sounds too while he does go and had runny diarrhea like poops but they looked normal other wise. I believe he...
  5. J

    Help Needed with ear with ear infections/canker and possible treatment of body lice issues.

    thx friend i haven't been in here in few months things probbly changed around here since. but ill post my issue to both threads shortly, i had diff issue last time but also eye related.
  6. J

    Help Needed with ear with ear infections/canker and possible treatment of body lice issues.

    Hello there everyone im new to this whole chicken thing by about 3 years exp and recently one of my older cocks is suffering issues i would like to get handle on if i can i have filled out the forum list the best i can and posted photos aswell all advice is welcomed, last month or so my chicken...
  7. J

    Rooster has horse/Raspy-crow all of sudden, title says it all.

    title says it all. today i went to feed my flock and noticed/heard a odd noise so i checked it out further n found out it was my cuban and only today has his voice sounded raspy/horse only when he crows and his breather when held is minor raspy aswell. yesterday he was fine all week he was fine...
  8. J

    My pet Rooster has eye injury wont open it and might be possible sick?!?!? need help

    i lost internet for a few weeks so im sooo sorry for the late reply here a storm ravaged the town and with spring/summer coming on now i had to make whole new coupe for my new well not so chicks anymore on top of this. he seems fine as quick update. nothing as changed with his health or eye all...
  9. J

    My pet Rooster has eye injury wont open it and might be possible sick?!?!? need help

    sorry again for 4+ day lately reply SORRY!! again haha. springs among us and ive gottwen very busy with yard cleaning etc. from what ive seen over last few days he doesnt seem like he can theres no infection or signs of it still but his eye seems discolored/blinded i think, ill try my best to...
  10. J

    My pet Rooster has eye injury wont open it and might be possible sick?!?!? need help

    sorry for semi late reply i got very busy this weekend with some stuff and i did actually manage to get a photo of his eye ill attach it below. and phew that is a huge pheww on me hes a pretty boy and he means a lot to me haha really apprentice the help this forum/site offers from people like...
  11. J

    My pet Rooster has eye injury wont open it and might be possible sick?!?!? need help

    Hi there im semi new to chicken keeping about year in next month in june and recently my rooster as suffered some kinda eye injury on may the5th and im not entirely sure what has caused it he seems to be keeping it closed on purpose there is no discharge or mucus or anything around the eyes or...
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