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  1. C

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello! Life’s been crazy! I’m moving and building a new run and getting more chickens (shhhh don’t tell my husband), and expanding my quail aviary. I’ll come back and update in a couple months!
  2. C

    Another What Color Are My Quail Thread

    Hey everyone! I hatched out some babies about 5 weeks ago, and have three that I’m not sure what color they are. First one is a golden color with pearl type marks (is this a golden pearl?). The second photo I was positive is just a pearl, but I noticed it’s got some brown on it? And last one...
  3. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    I had 18 hatch in total, the last one hatched on day 23, but ended up not making it. I had 17 make it and growing well.
  4. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    Fair enough. Day 22/23 now… moved the last hatched babies to the brooder… and another freaking egg pipped and is moving around 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’m gonna have to get another brooder set up because the new babies are so much smaller than Wednesdays hatch, and if this egg hatches it will be even MORE...
  5. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    My thermo I only had one thermometer inside and it said 101 plus or minus a few tenths, and same down to 100. Same as the incubator, but I had the thermometer in the middle and these eggs, if I’m guessing correctly, were all to the right side. So guessing cold spot, but it couldn’t have been...
  6. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

  7. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    They were all in the same incubator, that’s why I’m so puzzled. The oldest and youngest are now solidly four days apart, with more still hatching.
  8. C

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    Hello! First time hatching Coturnix quail here, and it’s been odd. Set a bunch of eggs (about 35) on 7/9. Over 25 made it to lockdown on day 15 (I candled and whatever didn’t have development I removed). Lowered my temp to 100, and raised humidity. On 7/26, 9 hatched all within hours of each...
  9. C

    Any Roosters?

    Thank you! I was just browsing and realized what I thought were leghorns were Easter Eggers. That’s cool! Thank you so much!
  10. C

    Any Roosters?

    Hello! Ive got six chickens from the local feed store, and they are about 9-10 weeks old. I *think* we may have a rooster or two in the mix, but I’m not sure. Anyone able to tell me? 4 are leghorn varieties, and the red face of one and feathers of another are throwing me off.
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