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  1. Lydia Suzanne

    What is this? Emergency, help.

    when your chicken decides to grow them back they will come out in little shells first. When the shells get too small the feathers will pop out.. give your chicken some time and she will be back to mormal.
  2. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended 2021 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    Grumbles are natural meal worns.. would be perfect of my older girls in the middle of winter...
  3. Lydia Suzanne

    thank you!

    thank you!
  4. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-27-21 Pic by CSolis

    "Yes, this is mine, and no you cant have any"
  5. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 12-11-20 - Pic by FluffyBottomBantams

    You told me I was fat!!! So I have decided to start daily pull-ups.
  6. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 12-04-20 - Pic by tribalacres

    I'm like the easter bunny.. but I'm a chick.
  7. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-13-20 Pic by Boyled Eggs

    Cat: Um.. you forgot to lay my breakfast today
  8. Lydia Suzanne

    I am New here

    :celebrate Welcome :celebrate BYC is such a fun place! You can learn so much! So you have a goose? What's its name? What breeds are your chickens? WELCOME, I hope you have a good time!!! :welcome:welcome
  9. Lydia Suzanne


    wow, cool breeds! So glad you joined the BYP family!!!! :welcome
  10. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    WOW, your coop is WAY bigger than ours is!
  11. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 10-30-20 Pic by darlingdarla

    Mommy! Mommy look I'm losing my feathers!!!!
  12. Lydia Suzanne

    Silkies - Hens or Roos? 11-12 weeks old

    The white one kinda looks like a rooster but i could be wrong
  13. Lydia Suzanne

    Silkies - Hens or Roos? 11-12 weeks old

    I cannot tell by just looking at them. Listen to them and see if any of them are starting to crow. And behind there, toes on the back of there legs are there spurs? You will know when they start to lay too.
  14. Lydia Suzanne

    Solved How to move up on profile

    Thank you soo much all of you!!! I have moved up too Chirping!!
  15. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 10-09-20 Pic by mymilliefleur

    Get a little closer and I will poke you in the nose!!!
  16. Lydia Suzanne

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 10-09-20 Pic by mymilliefleur

    Why are you pointing that camera at me?
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