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  1. Jt and Chicks


    My mom thinks I'm crazy because I called my Buff Orpington Roo (Goldy) my best friend. Are y'all like this too or am I the only crazy one:lauAlso if you got any funny stories pls tell them!
  2. Jt and Chicks

    Biggest Rooster Contest!!!! END DATE 8-5-20

    I will be the judge on what rooster is the biggest and beutifulest. Pls do NOT try to make your rooster look big for the picture. I will need the roosters name. Contest Ends 8-5-20 at 9:00 pm. There will be no prize just for fun! Thank You for following the rules and participating...
  3. Jt and Chicks

    Hen to Rooster Ratio?

    I have 2 roosters that are raised together and 10 hens. What is the hen to rooster ratio? Will they fight even id they were raised together and should I get more hens if I can?
  4. Jt and Chicks

    Are my 6-7 week old chicks roos or hens

    1. Barred Rock 2. Buff Orpington 3. Rhode Island Red 4. Rhode Island Red 5. Black Australorp 6. Red Sexlink
  5. Jt and Chicks

    Barred Rock stoped Laying Eggs?

    I have a one and a half old barred rock that had some belly feathers fallout or something about 2 1/2 months ago. We also switched coops right before that. She stoped laying eggs since then and her belly feathers are not growing back what should I do? The rest of the chickens are fine and she...
  6. Jt and Chicks

    Chicken Is Pooping Blood!!!!

    I am babysitting chicken for my aunt and my aunt said that on started pooping blood randomly all the time! so while I have her chickens I want to help them. I forgot what breed she was if I can get a picture I will.
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