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  1. clickchicks

    coccidiosis my old nemesis (non urgent)

    I'm mostly looking to get affirmation that I'm doing the right thing here. I've had SUCH a bad time with coccidiosis in the past that I'm fearful of it even though I'm prepared. My current batch of chicks is just about to turn 10 weeks old. They've been outside in the main run (segregated from...
  2. clickchicks

    tree sap/resin in chick's feathers

    Bleh annoying situation. My property is covered in Mountain Cedar (Ashe Juniper). I have a new batch of chicks (5 weeks old) who I've been starting to let outside. They have a little sectioned off run that I thought was free of debris, but a few moments ago I heard one of them screaming and ran...
  3. clickchicks

    Chicks on damp ground?

    Hello all. I've got a batch of 4 week old chicks. Its been rainy and cool here the last few days, but for now at least the rain has stopped and the temps are in the mid 70s. The ground is still damp from the rain, but no pooling water/etc. Opinions on letting them outside for short periods in...
  4. clickchicks

    Various things that make a hen stop laying?

    One of my hens stopped laying about 10 days ago. She's a little over a year old (born March last year) and has been my most consistent layer, 5-6 eggs a week. So far this hen seems normal. She'll go sit in the nesting box for 30 mins, maybe an hour, but no egg. She doesn't go in the box...
  5. clickchicks

    Brazen rat (ID?) -added pics (semi graphic)

    I'm no stranger to rats. Roof rats are everywhere here and I go through cycles of eliminating them from the run area (the coop is rat proof). All the chicken food and water is stored in metal trash bins at night so its rare to see more than a stray individual here and there, and we trap (victor...
  6. clickchicks

    Mystery illnesses continue (not urgent but help appreciated)

    Back again with more chicken illnesses. I just can't seem to catch a break with these birds. One of my hens fell ill a little over 2 weeks ago. She stopped laying and I thought maybe it just was just the heat. Then she started acting lethargic. Not lame, she still gets up to run if I try and...
  7. clickchicks

    Bloody cornea/eye

    Can someone help me confirm if this looks like an injury or something else. I noticed this little baby squinting one eye and when I picked her up to examine, it looks like there's blood in her cornea. No blood around the eye or leaking from the eye. Its really hard to get a good picture of it...
  8. clickchicks

    My first broody hen, interested in some outside opinions

    My ~1 yo Australorp has gone broody. I've been trying to break her but she's being stubborn. I can go over all the things I've done to break, but I'm thinking about shifting gears and maybe letting her set on some eggs if I can't fully break her in the next few days. This has been a...
  9. clickchicks

    I think I messed up (bloody stool)

    Here I am again, having no clue why things keep going poorly. I have x3 7 week old chicks. About 2 weeks ago I started trying to integrate with my existing flock of 3 hens. A had a fecal run on the adult birds several weeks back, came back with low levels of eimeria but (per the vet who took...
  10. clickchicks

    Tell me your coccidiosis routine for outdoor chicks

    Chicks are turning 6 weeks old this week. I've been taking them outside for a little bit each day to get them used to it, and the weather here is nice enough they can stay outside for most of the day when its not raining. I have a small chicken tractor I'm using right now, away from my adult...
  11. clickchicks

    Respiratory illnesses (?)

    Curious to hear what those more experienced think of this situation. A couple of weeks ago I was posting about a sick chick. In the end, I think it was coccidiosis which was treated for and the chick is doing much better. While all of that was going on, I noticed all of the chicks were...
  12. clickchicks

    Will leaf lettuce grow back? (gardening)

    Sad day in the garden. Something got hold of all my lettuce. I've grown it for years without any pest issues, but it was bound to happen eventually. I know leaf lettuce will regrow, but I'm not really sure how damaged a plant can be before it just dies back. I usually only pick a few leaves...
  13. clickchicks

    Barnevelder color difference between M/F chicks?

    I have two Barnevelder chicks, both from Ideal, will be 4 weeks old in a couple of days. They are displaying different color patterns as their feathers come in, and I'm sort of curious if that's a natural variation between individuals or if it might be an early tell for sex differences. This...
  14. clickchicks

    normal chick poop or not?

    I'm sorry I keep posting so many threads but I really just don't know what normal looks like and I'm so afraid to loose these chicks. Thread detailing my ongoing struggle: Short version is I had a very...
  15. clickchicks

    temperature change (moving brooder location)

    Quick question. I have been brooding my chicks indoors for their first 2 weeks to try and protect them from any Marek's exposure (they were vaccinated at hatchery and I have Marek's in my existing flock). They are now closing in on 3 weeks and its time to move them out of the house. My inside...
  16. clickchicks

    Is this a normal chick poop?

    Posing this as a new thread just in case it catches more eyes. The thread of ongoing issues is here: Is this a normal poop for a 1 week old chick? Specifically the redish orange blob. Looks sort of like...
  17. clickchicks

    Baby chick suddenly crashing (need help)

    I got a few baby chicks on the 25th. Earlier than I was anticipating, but I already had everything set up for the chicks I'd planned to get in May so I figured why not. They were from my local feed store, who gets them from Ideal. I tried to pick ones that looked active and healthy (bright...
  18. clickchicks

    just a little frustrated (feather picking)

    I'm not really sure what I'm asking for here, mostly venting. I only have 3 hens, and one is getting feather picked to the point she's got multiple bald spots. I posted about it here before, this started a couple of months ago and I isolated the "bully" hen who I thought was causing all the...
  19. clickchicks

    Obsessed with snails

    So, we have tons of the little spiral shell (decollate) snails in our yard. I'm not bothered by them, but I find their shells here and there and after the really bad winter storms we just had here in Texas, there are lots of dead/dry shells all over the place. My 3 hens, 1 in particular, is...
  20. clickchicks

    Snow in the coop

    For context, it snowed 6+ inches here in central Texas for the first time in decades. I'm in a bit of a pickle. My coop has large sections that are just hardware cloth, which is perfect here in the hot summers but was a massive backfire for the snow. To prep for the winter storm I got some...
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