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  1. Happy Chicken 1234

    What gender of chicken are these cuties?

    Yes. We did get them from tsc. Ours are a month old two!
  2. Happy Chicken 1234

    What gender of chicken are these cuties?

    We have two Asian black chickens and are wondering if they are girls or boys. Here is chick #1 Here is chick #2 Please let me know if you have any ideas on if I have girl or boy chicks!
  3. Happy Chicken 1234

    What color Polish chick do you think she is?

    Thanks! I’ll keep you updated!
  4. Happy Chicken 1234

    What color Polish chick do you think she is?

    I have been raising chicks and wonder what color our little baby Polish chick will be. Does anyone have any ideas?
  5. Happy Chicken 1234

    Weak Chick

    I am feeding her DuMor chick starter feed 20%
  6. Happy Chicken 1234

    Weak Chick

    Hello! I am a new chicken owner and have been observing all my baby chicks. Most of them are very active but one is much less active and a little bit clumsy. It is a four day old lavender Orpington. What should I do?
  7. Happy Chicken 1234

    Weak chick

    Thank you so much! My little chick thanks you!
  8. Happy Chicken 1234

    Weak chick

    Yes. I am feeding my chicks DuMor, non-gmo 18% chick starter grower crumble. I have a DuMor 20% starter but it seems to be to big for them to eat. Here is my setup: Thank you for responding! (Btw, the green stuff is grow gell)
  9. Happy Chicken 1234

    Weak chick

    Hello! I am a new chicken owner and have been observing all my baby chicks. Most of them are very active but one is much less active and a little bit clumsy. It is a four day old lavender Orpington. What should I do?
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