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  1. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    "I cleaned that wound." Starflight said to the female wolf. Starflight attempted to walk towards the distressed wolf, when she snarled, a warning to him to stay away. "Shh, its okay." he said in a soothing voice... Eclipse wasn't convinced that she could trust this wolf. All she ever did was...
  2. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Eclipse awoke at camp, with terrible pain on her side. she gently lifted her head to see a massive wound on her side.
  3. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Starflight, snapped and nipped at the bear with Umber, until the bear retreated.
  4. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    (are we voting now?)
  5. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Name: Skyler Pack: Mountain Pack Mate: None Gender: Male Physical Description: All white, with Bright blue eyes. Personality: Loves to swim, and is very social.
  6. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Eclipse yelped in pain as she attempted to stand up.
  7. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Uh, Maybe go faster?
  8. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Eclipse opened her eyes to bleariness. She whined in pain, when she slowly lifted her head to see a nasty huge scratch going down her side.
  9. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Now, help me take down this bear! I have a plan." Starflight said as the bear ate the carcass. What if we chased the bear away, by nipping it in the butt? Starflight then ran to the bear snapped at its butt, and turned and ran before the bear could do any thing. Like that." he said breathing hard.
  10. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    (Good afternoon!!)
  11. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Umber, but I can edit and make it two instead
  12. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    But it wasn't enough, even though Eclipse twisted and twisted. The bear swung it's neck swinging her off of the bear, hitting the ground with a yelp of pain. Starflight heard that noise alright. Sounded like another wolf to be exact. So he ran to the noise only to see a massive grizzly bear...
  13. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Eclipse dropped the deer carcass, and barred her teeth at the bear. The bear took a step toward her. And she Snarled. Then the bear roared in hunger, for the carcass. She snapped at the bear's claws ferociously. Then the bear lunged for the kill Eclipse dodged it just in time to bite the...
  14. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    As Eclispe entered the forest, all the smells hit her hard, she could smell Praws and another wolf playing in the distance, while she could also smell and hear her target. She followed the smell and sounds of the distressed deer. Till she found it in the bushes. She locked her jaws on its...
  15. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    Eclispe was walking into the forrest, when she saw Umber walking out of the forest with a kill. Looked to be a rabbit, but it was mangled, and bloody. Eclispe, respectfully lowered her head as they passed each other.
  16. Silkielove103

    GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

    I understand i'm sorry, you see Starflight was going to go to mountain pack and meet Eclispe
  17. Silkielove103

    Please help - roo or hen?

    Most of them look like males
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