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  1. FluffyButtBabies

    Any Breed Ideas?

    I know that they're bantams, but I bought their eggs from a "farm mix" so I have no clue what they might be! The first one (Blondie) has four toes, but their feathered. She was born mostly yellow with a slightly darker back. The second one (Pogo) go also has four toes, but with no feathers, and...
  2. FluffyButtBabies

    Broody won't break

    I swear I've tried everything. Blocking her from the nest boxes, cold packs under her butt, water dips, even the elevated cage. She's an 8 month old 1/2 silkie, but it's 40 degrees right now in November, so I don't get why she want babies this badly. She went broody a month ago, we broke her in...
  3. FluffyButtBabies

    Should I give up?

    I have a young silkie pullet, about three months old. A month ago she got pecked a little too hard in the head by one of the older hens and sustained a major concussion. She has been incapable of eating on her own ever since. I basically have to hold a dish up for her and jam her in a corner and...
  4. FluffyButtBabies

    Heat Sensitive Hen

    I have a hen named Gwarpy, and this is her first real summer as an adult. She's a Faverolle with some disabilities, one such being that she has an incredibly small comb (almost like a chick). That's problematic because I'm pretty sure chickens use their combs to regulate body heat. Faverolles in...
  5. FluffyButtBabies

    11 toes

    I have a faverolle hen named Bolt. I hatched her last spring, and she's very sweet and healthy. Faverolles are one of the five-toes breeds of chicken, so she should have ten toes total as opposed to the usual eight. Now, I'm like 90% sure that she had five toes on each foot when she was born...
  6. FluffyButtBabies

    What breed?

    Don't know what breed this guy is! He has feathered feet and five toes. And just checking, but it's a cockerel isn't it? He's one month old.
  7. FluffyButtBabies

    Sexing Silkies

    I have a batch of silkies that are about a month old (yes I know it's early) but I'm still trying to guess at who might grow up to be a roo. There are some normal silkies, some sizzles, and some satins in the mix. My opinions so far are that the blue is a cockerel (he's massive), the calico...
  8. FluffyButtBabies

    Silkie Mix?

    Hey! Earlier I had a post called "Silkies: Yay or Nay" if anyone remembers lol. Well I had a few silkie chicks born with no vault and light skin. Some people told me that was possible in paints, and most ended up turning darker after a bit. But I still got one chick who's stumping me. Her name...
  9. FluffyButtBabies

    Silkie Chick Wry Neck

    Ugh, it's the day after hatching and so many thing are going on rn. So stressful! I have one chick I have to assist hatch in a few minutes, and now I have one with wry neck. She's a day-old silkie in with some other silkies. One minute she was fine, and the next her neck was twisted and she was...
  10. FluffyButtBabies

    Assist Hatch Emergency!!!

    I have a small Mille Fleur chick that had pipped about 30 hours ago and made no progress. All the other chicks hatched, but she kept growing weaker and weaker. Her membrane dried too, due to me having to remove the other chicks (they were overheating) and because she obviously had been sitting...
  11. FluffyButtBabies

    Silkies: Yay or Nay?

    I just hatched some "silkie" chicks from a breeder. Lo and behold, there's some questionable characteristics about these babies. They all have five toes, but bizarre coloration. Three are white with pink skin and no crest (oop) but still 5 toes. Another has black skin and five toes, but a black...
  12. FluffyButtBabies

    Yawning Chick

    I have a silkie chick that just hatched a few hours ago. I was planning on keeping him in the incubator overnight, but he keeps yawning (which I know isn't a good thing). He's moving around and peeping a lot, but every once in a while he'll stretch his mouth open and yawn. Is this an illness, or...
  13. FluffyButtBabies

    One Early Pip

    Hi! I'm incubating some silkies and it's day 19. There was a power outage halfway through the incubation, so for about 8 hours the temperature fluctuated between 88-102 degrees while I tried to keep the eggs warm. I don't know if that really did anything, but now I have one silkie chick pipping...
  14. FluffyButtBabies

    Poor Gwarpy

    Just thought I'd share the story of my hen, Gwarp. She was hatched with one other chick in an incubator that had a lot of temp issues and other problems. Gwarpy-pie was adorable, but obviously something was wrong. She had a slightly crooked face, an exposed naval, tumbled around with wide steps...
  15. FluffyButtBabies

    Power Outage!!!

    The power went out 30 minutes ago. I have 3 bators full of day 8 eggs. After 20 or so minutes we surrounded them with hot water bottles and towels to try and keep them warm. What else can I do? What can I expect the survival rate to be? I'm solidly panicking rn so any help would be greatly...
  16. FluffyButtBabies

    Candling without Cooling

    Hi everyone! I recently got a massive incubator for this year's eggs. Usually I only incubate a dozen eggs at a time in a small bator, and about half hatch (they're shipped so not the best but not the worst). But this year I wanted to get the number up a lot higher, so I ordered a huge incubator...
  17. FluffyButtBabies

    Pendulous Crop

    I have a young Faverolle hen, about 9 months old. We suspect that she's started laying, but not 100% sure yet because she lives with some older birds. Anyway, long story short, she was a shipped egg and hatched with a ton of deformities and possible mental defects too. She pecks for hours at...
  18. FluffyButtBabies

    Nesting Material of Death

    So I have a 9 month old Faverolle pullet. She hasn't quite started laying yet, but in another month or so she should. Now, a few months back we had another hen who mysteriously stopped eating for no apparent reason. She gradually grew more lethargic and passed away two days later. Well we had no...
  19. FluffyButtBabies

    Cold Chicken

    I have a young Faverolle rooster who has several physical deformities (unusually small size, a cross beak, a lopsided walk, internal air sack issues, etc). Needless to say we have to take extra care to keep him healthy, but we do because he is the sweetest and funniest little bird we've ever...
  20. FluffyButtBabies

    Useless Roos

    I have a small backyard flock of 4 hens and 2 roos. They stay in a tractor for most of the day, but I watch them run around for an hour in the yard before nightfall. They've all been raised together, so even though the numbers are small the boys get along very nicely. One of the Roosters is a...
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