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  1. cfreidma

    has anyone seen something like this discharged from your hen? She seems do be doing fine but...

    I think you're right. She had recital prolapse 8 weeks ago and had surgery for that. And now this. Poor girl. At the moment she seems ok. Thanks for the detail information. It really helps. Thanks again.
  2. cfreidma

    dehydrating japanese beetles and feeding them to my girls

    Hello friends. I have LOTS of Japanese beetles. I started trapping them. The first batch I roasted on the outside grill in a baking sheet and have been feeding these to my chicks. They like them. Now I'm freezing them for the interim. I thought of starting to dehydrate them. I was...
  3. cfreidma

    Chicken died

    I had an Buff Orpington. For the first year she had a great personality. Then she became broody. I broke her of that twice. Around the same time the brooding started, she didn't regain her feathers on her neck after molting. She also had a bare bottom. I thought she was fine because she...
  4. cfreidma

    Chicken sitting

    I have a small coop with 3 hens. I'm going to Italy in April (hopefully). Anyone have any ideas on how to find a chicken sitter? I'm participating in a chicken coop tour next month so hope to network then with other chicken keepers.
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