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  1. chickengangg

    Bantam cant close beak ! Can she survive on a liquid diet?!

    My bantam is very sick, her left side of her face is so swollen. She cant close that eye and the swelling has affected her ability to close her beak. I can tell she’s hungry and ive tried to feed her mushy/watery feed. Shes very congested and has watery eyes or atleast her other eye is watery...
  2. chickengangg

    one swollen wattle?

    He did have a mucus bubble when we opened his beak to give his supplements but thats been gone since two days. His breathing is fine i think it could be peck wounds bc i see some from his first swollen wattle
  3. chickengangg

    one swollen wattle?

    hes pretty gentle but skiddish, but do u mean holding his wattle or just place my fingers undereath it
  4. chickengangg

    one swollen wattle?

    i have an 8 month old cockerel that seems ill. He didnt crow two mornings in a row but he did this morning and through out midday. He was super lethargic on day one and two. Day two, only his left wattle began to swell, then today his comb swelled too, but his right wattle is fine. Today he...
  5. chickengangg

    bantam comb

    my two bantams are the same age but one has a droopy comb, she seems healthy, social, and eats just fine, idk where else to put these but im curious as to why? I know most droopy combs are signs of illness and lethargy but she seems happy so. Heres them one has a fine looking comb the other one...
  6. chickengangg

    Will my chickens survive their first winter?

    This is there coop right now im thinking of adding a run just for fun. Their roost is leveled to wired window, should i cover it with a tarp incase of breeze ?
  7. chickengangg

    Will my chickens survive their first winter?

    Recently no it can get a little below 20 at times
  8. chickengangg

    Will my chickens survive their first winter?

    Thank you for the pix ! Very helpful advice too
  9. chickengangg

    Will my chickens survive their first winter?

    Ive owned chickens before but only for harvesting and i was too young to fully recall. We bought some chicks this March, i’m worried about how they will be accustomed to Tennessee weather. I’m sure they will be just fine with a good ventilated coop and probably cuddling for body heat but i would...
  10. chickengangg

    Is this normal behavior?

    If shes eating a lot then her poops just might be big, as long as its nothing worth concerning over
  11. chickengangg

    Mental Health Thread

    mental health is highly stigmitized and i believe those with it experiences it differently but all suffer in some degree. I personally got some problems to tackle during my life but i started raising chickens again this year and i think its really helped me in different ways. This thread is...
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