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  1. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    Coccidiosis: longterm effects & contagion: 2 questions

    Saaniya, do these products have to be in essential oil form, and, if so, which brands did you use? I am seeing they can both come in powder forms, which I find to be preferable, personally, of that will be as effective. I have had an AWFUL time with coccidiosis I his last year and would love to...
  2. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    TSC chicks keep dying despite ideal conditions

    Hey All, I wanted to jump in with my experience with chicks this spring. I bought 4 from a nearby Wilco last Saturday, and then I bought 4 assorted bantums from a nearby TSC on Sunday. All of the Wilco babies died within the first 3 days; the TSC babies are doing great. I know that on a local...
  3. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    What is this?

    I was doing some grooming on my little roo last night and accidentally pulled this out of a feather follicle. I thought I was breaking off a dead piece of feather, kind of like the bits in the second photo, but I ended up with the weird thing in the first photo. The third photo is another dry...
  4. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    Blackhead Disease Treatment?

    We just received results from a necropsy that our deceased pullet likely had Blackhead Disease, which I have never previously heard of. My first question is what treatments have the chicken community figured out for this illness? It is my experience that veterinary science has done little...
  5. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    When to Corrid and when to try other things?

    Thank you for these links! I really appreciate the help. Unfortunately that little gal did not make it, and it may have been because I did not get her Corrid quickly enough. ☹️
  6. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    When to Corrid and when to try other things?

    Thank you-this was some of the info I was looking for. I was worried giving corrid less than 24 hours after a mega-vitamin dosage would cause the Corrid not to work or to make the chicken more sick in some way. I will keep a special eye out for thiamine in the vitamins I use.
  7. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    When to Corrid and when to try other things?

    Hi All, My daughter and I have had some really unfortunate experiences with our flock over the last year, as well as some amazing survival stories. We have learned a lot, but we are, of course, still working hard to find the best ways to care fir our feather babies-especially when they are ill...
  8. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

    Any update on this device? I would really love to test/purchase...I currently have 7 crowing roos and at least 3 Littles coming along, too. 😁
  9. April-n-Moe ChickenChicks

    New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

    I am totally interested! Like you, we are very attached to our babies that hatched and turned out to be boys. It has been hard to think about rehoming any of them. I currently have a 6 month old crevecoeur, an 8 month old silkie, a 1.5 year old bantum frizzle Cochin, a 1.5 year old Seabright...
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