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  1. Danielpn

    Red blue laced wyandotte gender?

    I'd say a pullet, and gorgeous. That's what I would expect to see when a burd is called a Blue Laced Red.
  2. Danielpn

    Expert Problem Re: Sexing and Feed

    Maybe initiate a "males for nails" trading plan. Everybody benefits, even the males, except you still have to say good-bye to some pets. I bet that will be better than the possibility of witnessing the roosters fighting as they mature.
  3. Danielpn

    Wyandotte identifiers.

    Thank you. I’m glad to have her in the flock. She consistently lays speckled eggs, but the speckling is not very consistent. She is also kind of a loner, and usually the last hen into the coop. Sort of like a guardian rooster. Thanks for the link. I have to think she is a product of hatchery...
  4. Danielpn

    Is 3 enough?

    The three by themselves will be fine, and always hang together. Don’t get overly concerned about adding a couple of more chicks, but I would go with some other breed. The twins will also stick together, and if you can get a different color, you can study chicken racism (but, in truth, I think it...
  5. Danielpn

    Wyandotte identifiers.

    Here are the pics of what is thought to be a Blue Laced Red. She has the bare yellow legs and the rose comb of a Wyandotte. Also kind of bossy, without being a bully toward the other hens (15). She has never been around a rooster. She is right at 12 months old, and has been a good layer. At...
  6. Danielpn

    Wyandotte identifiers.

    I purchased a Wyandotte hen at point of lay. I was told she is a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, but I don't have a lot of confidence in the identification skills of the person I got her from. She is a very sweet hen but I am curious as to how she is Blue Laced Red. If I was identifying her variety, I...
  7. Danielpn

    Switching off Layers Feed: What to Feed Instead?

    I too noticed a significant improvement in egg quality when I switched from layer feed to Purina Flock Raiser (20% protein). Tractor Supply Co. tries really hard to provide excellent customer service for online orders (unsolicited endorsement here). They do need to hire a professional for...
  8. Danielpn

    Opinions on feed from my local mill?

    Even your pets will go through a period of time when they are laying several eggs a week from about 5 months to 2 years old. Then decreasing egg output. I would suggest, for optimum health during these months and for long life, to feed the 20% protein feed. After egg production declines, they...
  9. Danielpn

    Want to improve egg quality. What to look for in feed.

    You didn't mention if you are talking about the same chickens. If so, you probably need to also, consider that the hens are aging. Alfalfa pellets is good thought though. But my experience with mixing feeds is the chickens are happy to pick out the stuff they want, and walk on the rest of it. So...
  10. Danielpn

    Starter vs. Grower feed?

    You give me too much credit. I'm just a smart a-- attempting to inject a little humor into a situation. I appreciate your more scholarly reply, which I did thoroughly read and enjoy, taking mental notes. Can you tell me the value of feeding laying hens red worms (not meal worms). I have been...
  11. Danielpn

    Starter vs. Grower feed?

    Thank you for clarifying.
  12. Danielpn

    Expert Problem Re: Sexing and Feed

    Swapping healthy, laying hens for unwanted roosters is a no-brainer.
  13. Danielpn

    Starter vs. Grower feed?

    That figure, 16% protein, as a minimum level for chickens was decided by a committee in Washington D.C. that read about chickens in a book. It may have been "Chicken Little." If you Google percent protein in a chicken egg, you learn the chicken is developing eggs containing around 35% protein...
  14. Danielpn

    Chicken math and coop size.

    I think I would shoot for about 35 in the big coop, and reserve the small coop for special projects. such as rearing youngsters or isolating bullies.
  15. Danielpn

    Sapphire gem laid her first egg!!

    Congratulations! Personally, I've never been very fond of those Hindenburg shaped eggs. I used to get them sometimes but thinking about it now, I haven't seen one for awhile. I lost a hen recently, there is probably a correlation. It will be interesting to note if the shape has anything to do...
  16. Danielpn

    Why candle?

    Thank you.
  17. Danielpn

    Why candle?

    Thank you.
  18. Danielpn

    Why candle?

    I have had 8 - 18 hens (no rooster) and been sharing eggs all over the city for about 5 years. I have never candled an egg. What am I missing?
  19. Danielpn

    Combining chicks

    Sorry for all that. Skunks stink. You have a different strain of RIR than I had. Mine were all scrawny and ugly, though human friendly. I was talking to a friend about dealing with skunks just yesterday. His solution was: using a cracked egg for bait, live trap them in a trap arranged so that...
  20. Danielpn

    Combining chicks

    One month after your post, I'm guessing the RIR's are the runts of the litter and not a real threat to the (slightly) younger chicks. If they are all healthy, I would put them together and let them establish that pecking order, which is constantly changing anyway.
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