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  1. ChaskaE

    New Farmhomegardenstead!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am brand new to chickens and will be getting chicks in March! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? None for now but theyre coming! (3) What breeds do you have? Im going for...
  2. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    It seems you have a tried and true system, thank you for sharing it.
  3. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    I was wondering that too! My first batch ( 2 dozen) of sun flowers sprouted is part of what inspired this post!
  4. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    That sounds like a very efficient lay out of bedding. I love a good tip! :yesss: You clean up the hemp often and the rest you refresh as needed(or throw in as it's gathered)? Maybe deep bedding? Im a noob so thank you for your patience!
  5. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    Thank you, I was looking at them last night! At this point I'm trying to find a use for the many cords of cut wood that's been building up on the property (besides just burning or dealing with selling[Darn peoples on my properties and in my yaaaahd!]) There's also a couple of decades of over...
  6. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    Mugwort is a "weed". It could be one of the things your giving your chicken already!:) Well I do understand dry bedding! Who likes soggy sheets? I'm a botanist whos just getting into chickens. There's gotta be some over lap... We'll see!
  7. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    It seems I'll have to go the wood chipper way. I have a decent stand of trees that shed left and right. They drop leaves in the fall so I should be alright. Growing grain never was in my garden plans. How ever I have endless wheelbarrows of mugwort, jewel weed, and other volunteers. Rather...
  8. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    It looks like I'll be investing in a woodchipper after all!! Who doesn't love a new toy? I have trees out the wazoo and about 4 decades of over growth. With sourcing from your yard how much litter do you have to buy? (If any!)
  9. ChaskaE

    Homegrown Bedding

    My coops nearly done and the run is moving on. This will be my first coop and flock! Is there anything I can grow to use as bedding? Any reading out there on it? I found this wonderful page about plants that chickens (and other livestock) need to avoid but it doesn't have a beneficial section.
  10. ChaskaE

    Hatcheries in Rhode Island and or Massachusetts

    I'm sorry for the delay to reply! Thank you for reaching out I'm looking for dual purpose birds for my first flock.
  11. ChaskaE

    Solved How to contact an administrator?

    Trying to update my account and it's asking me to contact an administrator.
  12. ChaskaE

    Hatcheries in Rhode Island and or Massachusetts

    Hello! I'm looking to buy chicks in RI or MA. We have Tractor Supplies but if I can find an independent hatchery that would be awesome! Don't really have a particular breed in mind maybe something heritage. This will be my first flock.
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