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  1. N

    House chickens?

    Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum, but I have a question about raising a house rooster. Long story from another thread, I had rescused 3 roos (were told they were hens by a vet) that started crowing. I was able to find a farm for two of them to go to and they seem to be doing well...
  2. N

    Hen food for roos?

    So I have 3 roos, two of which are crowing, and a third one which hasn't yet. We were told they were hens and have been feeding them the Purina Layena food. I only realized yesterday when looking at the food bag that it says to not feed it to young birds, or males. So... what should I feed...
  3. N

    New hen owner, need help with two hens crowing!

    She had me convinced, told me she raises chickens and has for a long time, as far as having a house chicken once. I may have found a sanctuary farm for them, but it's going to be a month-ish before they're done putting together their first chicken enclosure. The crowing has gotten really...
  4. N

    New hen owner, need help with two hens crowing!

    Well, the previous ownder did some bad stuff and was on the run from the law. He was arrested a week or go and won't be going back home anytime soon. Not sure what he was thinking trying to cram 6 chickens and a pig into that tiny coop though. I'm having gobs of trouble trying to find any...
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    New hen owner, need help with two hens crowing!

    Bamboozled by the vet and chickens! Thanks for the information and advice. I don't believe they're illegal but they're turning into a nuisance which is sad.
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    New hen owner, need help with two hens crowing!

    Cockerels?? Even the vet wasn't aware of this. I'm not aware of any ordinance disallowing males but.... crap.
  7. N

    New hen owner, need help with two hens crowing!

    Hey all, new member here with a long story, and urgent need of advice Immediate issue: I have 3 hens, 2 of which are crowing now, sometimes incessantly. While there isn't any noise ordinance in my borough for this, I would like to curb this behavior, it is annoying when it happens and I don't...
  8. N

    New member, need advice!

    Hi all, New member here desperately looking for some advice Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - New to raising them myself, yes, but have lived with them in my childhood (2) How many chickens do you have right now? - 3 (3) What breeds do you have? - Unsure (4) What...
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