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  1. Colesrogers

    Breed? Lavender?

    Adopted this hen while she was molting. Now that her feathers are in, can anyone help me identify her breed? She is tan and almost a lavender/grey color. Thanks!
  2. Colesrogers

    Strange egg

    One of our hens was sick and didn’t lay for about a week. This egg was in the nesting box (our eggs are fertilized). The shell was very thin and broken and this was inside. I don’t know if it was from the sick hen or a new layer that shares the same coop because it was so small and a lighter...
  3. Colesrogers


    Ok I’m new so I just want to double check.... top is fertilized, bottom is not? (Bottom has not been exposed to rooster so I know it isn’t fertilized)
  4. Colesrogers

    Easter Egger?

    I adopted this beautiful hen and her owner did not know her breed. I’m fairly new to the chicken world so google searches have guided me to a silver americauna or an Easter egger. However, she looks more Easter egger to me? Opinions? (She should start laying any day so that may give me my answer)
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