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  1. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone that commented on this thread - whether helped me to figure out the gender or breed of them, or gave amazing ideas on how to improve their diet and home. I will update on the new home once it's done - and update when they start laying! So can't wait...
  2. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I think most of the comment suggests that they are girls. However the breed is uncertain. Totally agree with u - I have never imagined how great it will be to have chicken. It's just heart melting to see them taking little naps on my lap and shoulder🥰
  3. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    All I want is for them to live happily and I'm really grateful for everyone's opinion! I'm a huge anime fun so I gave them cute Japanese names, and in English they mean "big white snowball, cute fatty meatball, and little yellow fluffy ball"!
  4. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Yeees! Balcony just for chicken! Hope they'll love it!
  5. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    More amazing ideas! Thank you so much!
  6. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you so much for your suggestions! I’m thinking about giving the chicken the whole balcony (as we aren’t doing laundry there anymore anyway). And I can move some plants there too!
  7. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    That’s brilliant idea!! I will start looking for the material and make a better home for them! Thank you for being so helpful!
  8. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, here is a picture of our balcony. One side is floor to ceiling windows and the other side is the door to our living room.
  9. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, I’ve been reading about how to make a better home for my chicken and ur advice are so valuable! I’m thinking about the same of letting the chicken have the whole balcony. The door on our balcony is quite sound doable.
  10. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you so much for you help. I’ve read through your comment about having them in a cage and I understand it’s quite unfair for them. However right now I don’t really have a better alternative - no family or friends with gardens are willing to take them, or farms to accept them. All I will...
  11. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, I’ve had them for six months and a half. But my neighbors said they might be around a month or two when I just found them. Sorry that I don’t really know the exact age of them.
  12. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you for your reply. It’s very professional. I will take your suggestions and try my best to improve their living environment and their diet. It is three of them - I have three chicken. But there is one with broken legs and can’t get food and always been poked at. She was bleeding and I...
  13. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you so much for your help. I understand it’s been unfair for the chicken to live in this condition and I can’t provide them with a better one. I’ve been trying to give them to friends who has gardens but couldn’t succeed. I then try reaching out to farms and they claimed hens only. I...
  14. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I found them in the park and keep them as my pets. I didn’t know what breed they are or their gender when I found them😭
  15. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Sorry, I thought it is necessary for chicken to have calcium intake to grow, like human do. Now I understand that it is only for the laying hens. Thank you for the explanation.
  16. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Thank you so much for the reply. I’ll change their diet according to your suggestions. Thanks again for your help.
  17. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I’m feeding them chopped oyster shell and chopped shrimp shell as my grandmother said it counts as calcium intake. She might be wrong as it’s been a long time since she had chicken.
  18. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you for the reply. Here is the picture around one week after I got them. I’ve been feeding them vegetables, chopped sweet corns, oyster shell, and gave them egg and worms as treat.
  19. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, yes the pictures are taken recently - some even from yesterday. But my pics are not clear enough as I took them when video called my parents.
  20. S

    Can someone help me to see the gender of my rescue chicken?

    Hi, thank you for the reply. They have their wings partially grown out when I found them. They were very skinny at that time so I’m no sure of their age. I asked my neighbour (who’s an old lady and had experience of raising chicken) and she said they look like one or two months. It’s my first...
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