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  1. Inkisevidence

    What breeds are these two?

    I inherited two baby chicks this spring and they are both absolutely beautiful! They are 17 weeks old. The brown one is the friendliest chicken I have ever had. The white one is silky soft. Love them both! Anyone have ideas about what breeds they might be? They were originally purchased from...
  2. Inkisevidence

    Two chickens not eating/laying

    As I said, they never have any food in their crops at the end of the day. It feels like silly putty in there.
  3. Inkisevidence

    Two chickens not eating/laying

    They were lethargic and not eating one week ago, I gave them epsom and they’ve seemed fine ever since except they haven’t laid and their crops are empty. Haven’t been able to get a picture of their food. Here is a picture of each chicken. They are acting totally fine, but they have to be...
  4. Inkisevidence

    Two chickens not eating/laying

    I have two chickens that within one day of each other became lethargic and stopped eating and drinking. One had a bubble crop that I assumed was sour crop. The other had an empty crop. I fed water and epsom to them for a few days and they both seemed fine. That was one week ago. Neither have...
  5. Inkisevidence

    Purina layer chicken feed- I wouldn't recommend

    This is exactly what happened to me. I slowly transitioned my chickens to Purina Layena layer crumbles over the course of 10 days. I only did it because during the pandemic, the feed I had been using for years was suddenly not available. after a couple of weeks, it dawned on me that all of my...
  6. Inkisevidence

    Neck wound on Transylvanian naked neck turken

    This hole is so big and deep though. I think that would be terrifically painful. Now it’s gaping. Unsure what to do.
  7. Inkisevidence

    Bumblefoot surgery but no kernel/core?

    Thank you. Took the bandage off and cleaned her up tonight. Looks okay and hopefully healing soon.
  8. Inkisevidence

    Bumblefoot surgery but no kernel/core?

    Thank you for responding and giving me peace of mind. She limps very badly and it is swollen, but I didn’t see anything there during the second surgery and will now focus on getting her healed up! I felt like a failure not finding a kernel and giving her certain relief.
  9. Inkisevidence

    Bumblefoot surgery but no kernel/core?

    After 24 hours we took off the bandage and could see white tissue. Her foot is also just so large we thought there had to be a kernel. We decided to cut it open and squeeze. Nothing. No pus. No kernel. Tons of blood. I feel so bad now. There was a little bit of white tissue we tried to pull at...
  10. Inkisevidence

    Bumblefoot surgery but no kernel/core?

    Hi everyone! I have done one bumble foot surgery before on this chicken and on this same foot. She is a sedentary, overweight four-year-old that came to us with bumble foot. We did the first removal last year, and we were able to pry the scab and core out after soaking and a little bit of...
  11. Inkisevidence

    Neck wound on Transylvanian naked neck turken

    My Transylvanian naked neck turken has a neck wound with the vein sticking out and torn. She is eight weeks old and has two sisters. I have her separated but still in sight of the other chickens. My concern is how to bandage or care for this wound. I can’t wrap anything around her neck and it is...
  12. Inkisevidence

    Comment by 'Inkisevidence' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I have absolutely loved having sand in my coop. I have a wood floor and it was so easy to put in and take care of. We have a huge scoop with a 3-ft handle that makes for a 30-second cleanup for 8 chickens.
  13. Inkisevidence

    Comment by 'Inkisevidence' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    My chickens were initially interested in eating a little. I don’t think they eat more than they need for grit though now.
  14. Inkisevidence

    Moulting or Feather Pecking?

    What ended up working for you?
  15. Inkisevidence

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I’d love to hear more about how you compost with continual addition of poop. I’m just starting a compost and I’m trying to learn more about how people deal with the daily scooping and where they put it before creating the hot pile.
  16. Inkisevidence

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I put sand in the coop about five months ago and I’ve never looked back. I have a large litter scoop that I go in with each morning and spend about 30 seconds scooping poop just like cat litter. It’s so fast, clean, and easy. 8 chickens is not a lot, but I can see this working with any number of...
  17. Inkisevidence

    Hen laying rubber eggs and now torpedo eggs

    She’s 5.5 months. Yes started laying at 3.5. Multiply by 4.3 for weeks. 😂
  18. Inkisevidence

    Hen laying rubber eggs and now torpedo eggs

    I have a five month old olive egger who started laying normal eggs about eight weeks ago, but then four weeks ago started laying rubber eggs. She got an impacted crop that I caught early and she seemed fine after but she never really payed normally since. Maybe twice a week I will get a normal...
  19. Inkisevidence

    Growth or Something on Foot

    This is the best method I’ve found. I seriously have to soak their foot for at least 30 minutes and then I am always surprised at just how hard you have to pry to get that thing out. Don’t be afraid to really pry on it as long as you have soaked it for 30 to 40 minutes and have worked the edges...
  20. Inkisevidence

    Bone (?) growing out of her wattles?

    Her impacted crop was minor and she’s herself again. Didn’t lay today but she’s doing better. Maybe just a bad day. Odd.
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