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  1. J

    Arizona Chickens

    I live in Tucson and I have used a mister to good effect. The coop has lots of ventilation and I make sure the water is in the shade. I have never used Ice or frozen bottles though.
  2. J

    2 week olds and day old chicks together?

    I did that and it worked out for me.
  3. J

    ~What Breeds of Chickens are on your Want List?~

    LOL I know.....but that is my wish list :)
  4. J

    Your Hoovers story? Spec. Small order experiences and COVID delivery times

    Yes, I know McMurray does too. I believe most do include a grow gel.
  5. J

    ~What Breeds of Chickens are on your Want List?~

    Let's see Lavender Orpingtons Jubliee Orpingtons Black copper marans Blue copper marans Blue laced red wyandottes Gold wyandottes silver laced wyandottes Sussex Cream legbars
  6. J

    Your Hoovers story? Spec. Small order experiences and COVID delivery times

    I received an order from Cackle on Feb 5 and they were just fine. They were healthy and happy. I did order 15 assorted but they did include a couple more. No packing peanuts though...had a heater pad and green food.
  7. J

    Why Do You Use Deep Bedding/Why Do You NOT Use Deep Bedding?

    I live in Southwest Arizona and have used this method before and the chickens were just fine. The heat is the killer and they need plenty of ventilation.
  8. J

    Why Do You Use Deep Bedding/Why Do You NOT Use Deep Bedding?

    Hmm curious to see if all of you use a solid floor? I use hardware cloth and clean it with a sprayer or a nice stiff broom. The stuff that goes through is landing on shredded cardboard(cheap because I shred it myself) and put into the compost. I have an elevated coop and it is very warm...
  9. J

    Hatching vs purchasing chicks

    I think that you could do both but going the egg route you might just get a better bred chicken. That being said the 7th graders in our school love to incubate chicks and it is a very good learning experience.
  10. J

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    I honestly don't see what people see in Silkies or naked neck chickens....they are not very attractive.
  11. J

    You know your a chicken lover when....

    You put multiple cameras on the coop and run just to watch them at work.
  12. J

    Last minute brooder temp question from a newbie.

    Well I have previously used a heat lamp but I have recently gotten back into raising chicks. I did the brooder plate thing. The chicks are outside and the temp can get to 35 degrees at night but they just go under the plate and stay there to sleep. the plate only gets to about 100 and it...
  13. J

    Arizona Chickens

    Not quite sure as I ordered an assortment of heavy pullets. I think I have black star, rhode island reds, black laced golden wyandottes and for sure 3 buff orpingtons from OK feed.
  14. J

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi I am in Tucson and just got back into raising chickens. But....before I gave them plenty of shade and put misters on them. It is very dry so the ground does not get wet but the temperature goes down at least 10 degrees. I also do not feed any corn in the summer because it seems to make...
  15. J


    Wowser you are good at that.....
  16. J

    New to thread from AZ

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens off and on for most of my life but it has been 20yrs since I have had some. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I am getting 15 on Feb 4th from Cackle Hatchery supposedly all pullets (assorted egg...
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