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  1. JuliaandtheHens

    Dog Attack

    Hello! I hope you all have had a great summer! Recently, our small dog attacked one of our hens, breaking her leg and giving her a few minor scrapes. I set the leg, added a splint, etc. However, after the encounter, she continues to pant. She has water with her and it is not particularly hot, so...
  2. JuliaandtheHens

    How do you rat/mice proof your coop?

    Hello! We've never had a rodent problem in our coop, but we do have a lot of rodents near by. I would attribute our rat/mice proof coop to quarter inch wires. (Squares of wire that have a quarter inch perimeter.) I like to line the floors with it, and then put dirt/sawdust on top of it to keep...
  3. JuliaandtheHens

    Chicken - Safe Flowers

    Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. In our chicken enclosure (it's relatively big so there's a lot of blank space) I want to plant some flowers in a vacant bed we have, but every other plant I've tried planting there has either been eaten to the stem, or it was just poisonous in...
  4. JuliaandtheHens

    Rooster Behaviors (Specifically towards 1 person)

    Hello! I hope all is well! I am currently looking for advice on one of my roosters, specifically his behavior towards one person: It started yesterday when that person went out to give them some bread and suddenly, as the person's back was turned, the roo attacked. This has never happened before...
  5. JuliaandtheHens

    Comment by 'JuliaandtheHens' in article 'Understanding Your Rooster.'

    Hello, first of all, what a wonderful article, recently we got a new rooster, and this article has proven to be an extremely useful resource. I just have the question of, if we do have some hens and a rooster, every time a hen lays will they be broody, or is it only by the selection of times...
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