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  1. koreecat

    Adventures In Chicken Clicker Training

    Just updating to say I’m starting “Spin” with my most teachable chicken this week!
  2. koreecat

    New member intro

    Welcome and congratulations!
  3. koreecat

    Adventures In Chicken Clicker Training

    Each chicken is on a different learning schedule but the things I’ve worked on are: Come - they’ll running automatically when they see food but I’d like them to come for a cue word/sound even if they don’t SEE food Target - I use a target stick connected to a clicker but have one special...
  4. koreecat

    Adventures In Chicken Clicker Training

    Awesome work so far! I’m currently training a group of chickens at work and use the clicker. I’ve also used a clicker as a marker with cats, dogs and plan to work with my lizard and turtle next!
  5. koreecat

    Chicken run

    Oh my lord that is so embarassing 🤦‍♀️ It’s been a while since I was in a math class but that should be so easy still. Oof!
  6. koreecat

    Chicken run

    I am certainly not an expert but from what I have learned on BYC so far the recommended size is 10sq feet per bird in the run so by that recommendation you would need 1000 square feet and the proposed size is only 300 so it seems like it’ll be pretty tight. But I think it would depend on how...
  7. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I think there might be some mold in the under layers so I might just need to sift through it quickly so they don’t get sick.
  8. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Yes I was also thinking about a hoop over the fence! But the metal shed is going to be thrown out. If I put a coop structure it would likely go right there though!
  9. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Yes I haven’t even started planning the ground yet. My backyard is a weird mix of poorly laid gravel, weeds and stepping stones? So I’m honestly not 100% sure what’s under all the dead leaves in the run at the moment but I’m going to be checking it out maybe this weekend!
  10. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Thanks! And I agree I think open air is best since they’ve lived outside with no real coop their whole lives and are probably well adjusted to this climate now.
  11. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    The fenced area is about 12.5ft by 7.5ft and thanks for the suggestions!
  12. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I actually super don’t plan on getting more. I’m still on the fence about even bringing home the three, it’s just that I happen to have a really strong bond with 2 chickens I’ve been training at work and would like to be able to continue to train them for educational ambassador work! As cool as...
  13. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I’d like to do this as cost effective as possible because if it starts getting to over $800ish I could’ve just ripped it up and replaced it with a well built coop and run. Not sure what dimensions you’re asking for.
  14. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Yes that’s something I’ll need to address when I remove the shed!
  15. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Thanks. I’m not super concerned about larger mammal predators, we don’t see many of those and I’m in a pretty urban area. I’ve yet to see any concerns indicating any. More thinking squirrels, raccoons, and possums would be my bigger concern. But adding longer posts and netting is a great...
  16. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I want to get rid of the shed. Haven’t decided if the coop should go in that place to fill the gap it will create or if I want to fix that gap with fencing and have a coop built at the back of this area that leads into this run.
  17. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I think both deterring aerial predators (my dogs being outside occasionally and my cats being sentinels at the window keep a lot of predators away but just to be safe) and add some additional shade/rain protection. But I still want to be able to walk into the area without crouching.
  18. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Thanks, I should’ve clarified that I’m getting rid of the metal shed! I hate that ugly thing and intend to put up a wooden coop structure in its place :)
  19. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    I’d like to make it predator resistant but still make sure I’m able to comfortably walk into the area (so not just adding a top at the current height of the fence). The pic you posted is definitely an idea though how does that work with the gate? Do you have to duck underneath the netting it or...
  20. koreecat

    Help me convert this dog run!

    Hi chicken friends! I need your creative ideas. If I wanted to utilize this area of my yard as my chicken area. Currently there is a chain link dog run with an old metal shed in it (that I plan to get rid of and replace with a wooden coop). The dog run is about 12.2ft by 7.5ft. The fence is...
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