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  1. G

    1-2 year old Amber Link thin, not eating, clear-yellow diarrhea,, can’t stand up

    Y’all this is Betty White and I’m trying to keep Betty White alive and I would love it if after reading this freaking novel (sorry) anyone could tell me what they think I’m dealing with and what else I can do. My suspicions so far have been: fecal impaction, egg bound, salpingitis. Wednesday...
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    Can you guess the gender of these silkies? I know what they are. Do you?

    Wait you can tell what sex a 12-13 week old silkie is? I have two 13-14 week old silkies and I’m still totally befuddled!
  3. G

    Is this Valista…or Val Kilmer? ;)

    I’ve always heard that but it seems like I just don’t SEE it myself. Hoping more experience will train my eyes! I know Silkies are impossible but does anyone think this is an example of “streamer feathers?” Our black silkie has a perfectly round dome of fluff atop her head in comparison to...
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    Is this Valista…or Val Kilmer? ;)

    Honestly how are you able to tell? I was thinking the comb would have developed on the big brown one by now so I was holding out hope!
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    Is this Valista…or Val Kilmer? ;)

    Mutts, I love that. Ah nuts. That leaves two silkies and I guess I won’t know about them until they start crowing, or not. 😟
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    Is this Valista…or Val Kilmer? ;)

    And also can anyone tell me what breed hopefully-she is? (Photo of big dark chicken and photo of feet from the back) I’m also wondering about the breed of this bantam is…formerly Eudine, now certainly Eustace. (Photo of obvious orange and tan rooster) They were purchased as chicks on May 8th...
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    What to do with fermented feed if I go away for a week?

    Hello, I’m able to find TONS of instructions for how to ferment feed, but my question is, what can I do if I need to go away for a week? I have more in jars than I can feed them tomorrow before I leave on Thursday and my boyfriend will be here but I’m really not sure if he is willing and able to...
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    Situation-Specific Questions About New Chicken Introductions

    That's either a fake review or they accidentally reviewed the WRONG coop, holy heck! 20 chickens?! Maybe 20 MICE LOL
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    Situation-Specific Questions About New Chicken Introductions

    Hello! I've been able to find a lot of general advice but still have several questions about what I should do in this situation. I'm gonna try to lay out the facts as briefly as possible. - I have four chickens I believe are about 9 to 12 weeks old. Two silkies, the other two I'm not sure...
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    Automatic door for Superior Construction Chicken Coop

    I am also sniffing around to try to find out all I need to know about getting an automatic coop door for this coop, but now I really want to know what kinds of locks you upgraded to, as I've been nervous about buying ones that end up not fitting in place of the old ones. For now I've got small...
  11. G

    3 Newly Bought Chicks Sick with Overlapping Symptoms - Help?

    Y'all! They're doing so much better! The one with the swollen THING behind her eye still has it, but it's either not gotten bigger or actually gone down a bit, the eye itself no longer looks gross but if you lift the eyelid you can see some kind of sac of stuff inside there making the eyelid...
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    3 Newly Bought Chicks Sick with Overlapping Symptoms - Help?

    Thanks for that, I will check them out. Huntsville is far but I've had to drive there for various things so it's not out of the question.
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    I’m trying to figure out how to find vets in my area who see chickens, but I’m…BAD at the internet. Like not quite Johnny-Lawrence-bad-at-the-internet but still pretty bad!
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    3 Newly Bought Chicks Sick with Overlapping Symptoms - Help?

    So Saturday May 8th I bought 4 chicks from a local farm that seemed to have their s*** together. On Sunday May 9th, one of them took sick. The farmer insisted that it was "sour crop" while giving me instructions for clearing an *impacted* crop and she told me it was because of the feed I fed...
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    Hello Fort Payne, we're up in Mentone! My chicken-raising adventure is up to a rough start and I have a lot of questions, like: 1. How the HECK do you find a veterinarian who actually sees chickens around here? You wouldn't think it would be so hard in rural Dekalb County Alabama! 2. If a...
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    2 Chicks with a bad eye problem - help!!

    About the same but this is just day two of terramycin and L-S 50. They seem spry at least, eating, drinking, trying to fly out of the brooder boxes. Now I'm furiously researching trying to figure out if these chicks came from the farmer with this, and that's why she's so keen to have me just...
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    2 Chicks with a bad eye problem - help!!

    I do too… so far I have discovered that Eudine can fly two feet into the air, so hopefully this is a sign that she is not exactly at death’s door!
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    New Chicken Lady on Lookout Mountain!

    Thank you, I have found that they certainly do! My first post on the facebook group was positively bombarded by good advice, it was lovely!
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    New Chicken Lady on Lookout Mountain!

    Hello! From Lookout Mountain in Alabama! I'm Amanda! 41 years old and born in GA, but raised mostly in NY, and about three years ago I transplanted myself and my then-ten-year-old-son right back down South. Living in NYC was literally killing me and my parents had moved here from Athens, GA...
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