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  1. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    Thank you for the kind words. I love them very much as well as my 4 inside cats and German Shepherd girl. I do look up everything on how to best care for critters. I posted this question originally for those who are more well versed in "what works" and "what doesn't". My Buff- Honey Bee is my...
  2. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    They are well pampered during this hot weather. The electrolytes I use ( I rotate 2 different ones) has a lot of vitamins, acidifiers so I will add it since I have a bottle of ascorbic acid on hand and they do not mention ascorbic acid/vitamin c in the mix. They get frozen watermelon and some...
  3. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    I cut off scratch during hot months. Bsf grubs handful here and there (no bugs right now, drought conditions), 1 frozen watermelon (small) slice a day, few handfuls of frozen chopped grapes floating in ice cube water few times a week or 1 frozen water block (daily) made with cucumbers, few...
  4. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    Texas Natural Feeds brand Elite layer crumbles.
  5. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    Yeah they all eat the same. My rooster passed away last October, so she has grown back all those missing feathers (from him mounting her so much) with the last molt. She was his favorite hen. I think she is not getting enough of a certain vitamin, or really low or not utilizing the calcium...
  6. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    I would say she is, the other 2 older hens eggs are stronger, not store bought strong but never had an issue with broken eggs in the nest with them. The newer layers eggs are small at the moment but really strong shells. She was fine when she started laying, quality went down after the two...
  7. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    I have a Buff Orpington, little over 2 yrs old. Between last years almost heat stroke (I saved her) and my late rooster making her go bald on her back---and trying to regrow those feathers AND lay eggs---well, I've been dealing with thin eggshells from her for months now. I've given her calcium...
  8. CindyK75

    What breeds lay the most eggs and are friendly?

    Right now, 2 of my golden sex links have started laying just shy of 18 weeks, early for me from my last flock. I've had 2 Blue Stars (1 died recently) and they lay the most of all mine. My little ones just turned 18 weeks and all are sex links except one barred rock hen is also laying now. She...
  9. CindyK75

    What's your favorite/friendliest breed

    After 2 yrs of chickens and I'm on my 2nd flock since I've lost 4, now have 11...I would say I'm loving the Barred rock. Iris, she is 18 wks. today, not laying yet but soon since she is squatting for me. I've had 3 Easter eggers (pretty blue eggs one MEAN rooster RIP though), 2 Blue Stars, 2...
  10. CindyK75

    6 weeks old first time out today and now they are too quiet :/

    You have to introduce older chickens to baby chicks slowly. Keep them in a pen and let the older ones go around them everyday. They have to eventually sort out the pecking order again so be prepared for harassment and pecking. I would wait till the new chicks are "almost" the same size as the...
  11. CindyK75

    Hens or Roos??

    My 2 roosters grew up together, they fought mainly because I didn't have enough hens for each. One rooster is the dominant one, unless the other challenges him constantly they will fight. I think it will work if you keep enough (8-10 hens) per rooster and you have enough land area that they can...
  12. CindyK75

    What age can my chicks have grass?

    That's odd, my hens love the grasses in the yard, I've watched them snip off pieces and I also give them handfuls tore in pieces in their run when they can't come out. We're on 6 acres so it's a combo of grasses and weeds (wildflowers lol) . They also eat chickweed, catchweed and clovers with...
  13. CindyK75

    What age can my chicks have grass?

    I find that at maybe 2-3 weeks old I start introducing yard "weeds" (look up what is not toxic) [chickweed and bedstraw/catchweed, stinging nettles (wear gloves!) wild clover and grass in my area of Texas is what I give] to my feed store bought chicks. I provide chick grit in a container near...
  14. CindyK75

    Buff Orpington cockerel or hen?

    Do you have other Buff's to compare to? That is how I knew. I see a lot of waddle coming in and pink, my B.O pullet's comb was not pink and no waddles coming in. Here's my late Roo when he was 7 weeks old: Pullet at 7 weeks:
  15. CindyK75

    Buff Orpington cockerel or hen?

    Probably off on the date, maybe. I live in SE Texas, so we have really hot summers as well and humid. High 30's is heatwave??? LOL That is really cold for us! If it's cooler I find they feather out faster, like during the early Spring months. My chicks will be 3 weeks tomorrow and feathering out...
  16. CindyK75

    Home necropsy - graphic photos

    How long/many days do you give the calcium +d3 tablet? I have a B.O. hen who is also finishing up molting now it seems and WAS trying to lay during her re-growing of her damaged feathers (my late rooster really LOVED her, he tore her up and made bald spots, she wore a saddle for a good while)...
  17. CindyK75

    Do your chickens like fruit or bugs better?!

    They LOVE frogs and small snakes and if one finds a lizard (Anole) it's the most exciting thing to watch!
  18. CindyK75

    How are your chicks doing?

    Catch weed Chickweed Yes, give them a few each day while providing a little chick grit when they're 2 weeks+ old. Also, give them wild herbs and weeds like: chickweed, catch weed, chopped parsley (if you grow it or buy at the store), scrambled eggs (dry no butter) and wild oxalis leaves in...
  19. CindyK75

    How are your chicks doing?

    Black soldier Fly, dried grub worms, not meal worms.
  20. CindyK75

    Do you have a favorite chick?! ( I won't tell!!! )

    I have a 2 yr old Buff Orp named Honey too! Well Miss Honey Bee, named by my son. She is the head hen in the flock.
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