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    Ha ha! Ok, so treat once, then again after 10 days, and then wait on eating eggs starting from the day of the first dose to 10 days after second treatment. Is that right?
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    Do you dose again in 7 or 10 days? Can you also confirm egg withdrawal period when you dose this way?
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    combs that turn blue in parts sometimes

    Did yours look like this? Trying to decide if this is a problem in our girl who appears otherwise healthy and parasite free.
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    Older hens joining younger existing flock?

    Thanks for the reply. The birds are "quarantined" about 30 feet or more on the other side of another building. It's the best we can do with our set up and what shade if available. I was surprised by the 4 weeks because I thought I had read one week was sufficient, but at this point, I guess...
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    Introducing year old hens to a younger flock

    Interesting! Thanks for replying. We have a rooster too and might end up with the same complication. Would also love to see what the rooster condo and flyway looks like if you can share pics.
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    Older hens joining younger existing flock?

    So I've done a lot of research about integrating new birds into an existing flock but it always seems to be about managing younger birds that are being introduced to an older flock. We're in the opposite situation right now. Will be adding 6 one year old laying hens to our existing mixed...
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    Introducing year old hens to a younger flock

    I am in a similar situation and posted below. I am curious what you think of our plan?!?
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    Introducing year old hens to a younger flock

    How did it go? I have a similar situation right now. Will be adding 6 one year old laying hens to our existing mixed breed/sex flock of 14 that are also 14 weeks old and quite large at this point. Our plan was to quarantine nearby the coop/run for a week and then let them free range, all...
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    ETA: Just Feather shafts! :) Is this Tapeworm or just shedding dander/feather shafts? Caution: Poo

    Thanks for the update because I found some of the same segments on top of a poop, but definitely looked like it landed there after the fact (right under roosting bars) so that would make sense as they stand there preening, etc.
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    Well we finally got the chickens into the finished coop remodel this past Sunday! The exterior still needs paint, but the inside is done...yay!!!
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    M or F? Australorp, Polish and Wheaten?!?

    Thank you! I'm sorry too :( We plan to keep a couple, but will have to rehome at least two by the looks of it.
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    M or F? Australorp, Polish and Wheaten?!?

    Hello all! So I believe we might have 5 roos. Looking to rehome and don't want to jump the gun if they are pullets. I am submitting the best photos I could take and ask for your help ID'ing :) 1. Austalorp (first 3 pics). We purchased 3, born on Easter, that were supposed to be females...
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    Here is another update pic (still a work in progress). We used Kilz on almost all the walls and dug out some more soil. I had my doubts, but I am so happy to report that the smell is almost undetectable and it feels quite brighter and cleaner now!
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    Thank you for chiming in! I prefer not to overthink things!
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    Thanks for the quick reply! Well the chicks are 3 weeks old, so 6 months means we will have to find another flooring in the meantime if that's the case. Can they age in the cans or should we dump them out and create a "pile" outside the chicken run area?
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    What do you consider to be aging? We have about 6 large garden trash cans filled w/the stuff, just waiting to be thrown in.
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    Help! To modify old coop or not?!?

    Hi again! I have had some people point out that they would be concerned about mites and other parasites in the free wood chips. This is what our city wood chips look like (mostly oak, pine needles and eucalyptus). What are your thoughts on this?
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    Wild Tree Tobacco Safety?

    Thanks for weighing in. We like that the foliage can provide some shade for the chickens, so I suppose, to be safe, we will just cut off the leaves below and train it into more of a "tree".
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    Wild Tree Tobacco Safety?

    I am interested if anyone else has Tobacco Trees in their chicken coop/run area. I understand they are poisonous and invasive in our area (So. Cal); however, I have also read that you do not need to worry about hens eating poisonous plants as they will not eat enough of anything that is bad for...
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