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  1. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    Thank you guys for the advice, i will let "nature" do it's thing and for the pecking order to establish itself, thank you again.
  2. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    They have a pretty big garden for themselves, with 2 houses (real old houses) that they can get in and out so the space is not really a problem. The ratio was 30 hens to 2 roosters, i tought keeping the ratio high would destroy the posibility of the roosters fighting, and it did for 2.5 years...
  3. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    So as long as he doesnt get beaten to death and i cant rehome the cockerel, i should just let him there to run and do his thing as the second rooster in the flock?
  4. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    How can i difference that from constant bullying? With the brahma it was more like the brahma wanted to kill him.
  5. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    Old enough to mate, 5-6 months old.
  6. Darius123

    Adult rooster scared of everyone

    Hi! I posted a week or so ago a topic in which i explained that my 3 year old rooster was being beaten by my 2.5 brahma roo. Long story short i gave away the brahma today. Happy that the old roo can be the boss again, can be the guardian that my flock needed, i reintegrated him into the flock(i...
  7. Darius123

    Roosters sudden fight. HELP?

    I dont either thats why i'm baffled. They grew up together, when the brahma was growing up no fighting, when brahma was a teenager no fighting, when brahma became a full on rooster no fighting, 2.5-3 full years no fighting ever, i had other roosters that would dismount one another from hens but...
  8. Darius123

    Roosters sudden fight. HELP?

    Wow thats kind of unfortunate, i paired 2 with 30 in the hopes of this never happening, i was prepared for it in the beginning but after 2, almost 3 years, i didnt expect this to happen
  9. Darius123

    Roosters sudden fight. HELP?

    Hi! I will cut to the chase i have 2 adult rooster with 30 hens in my flock. One is 3 years old the other 2.5 years old. They grew up together never, ever fought. The older one didnt even peck at the younger one when he was in his cockerel stage or anything. Today they started fighting, but the...
  10. Darius123

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 eggs from 30 hens, extremely cold where i am from + some of them havent started laying yet at all, it was time but i think the sudden cold delayed them.
  11. Darius123

    Moving chicken sleeping spots.

    Hello! A quick question, winter has arrived slightly quicker than expected this year ! My latest flock has always slept outside in the trees, but given the fact that their breed is not strong against cold i would want to know if there is a way to teach them to go at nigh in a new sleeping spot...
  12. Darius123

    What is this? Help me out.

    Hi, welcome to BYC, that is a cockerel, you can see that a bit by his shape, tall with a big chest (that it's not a 100% indicator) and by his saddle feathers, the long feathers that are dropping down right before the tail.
  13. Darius123

    Hen ejecting sperm?

    Glad to hear that bud, hope 6/6 will hatch.
  14. Darius123

    Why Have a Rooster?

    Maybe im kinda late to the party but i would like to share a bit of my experience. So i've been around chickens my whole life, my father being a engineer at a big chicken breeding company. During that time the 2 roosters that we've had (not at the same time), have 1. became agressive after a...
  15. Darius123

    Hen ejecting sperm?

    I would check for the so called "Bulls eye" in the egg of the Orpington hen, that way you will most likely know that he is infertile or still not that experienced in mating. I will say that you can figure that out because 2 hens rejecting the semen is very strange to me, never had something like...
  16. Darius123

    Giant Silkie Project.

    Yes he is, but i got a bit carried away with the expectations since im kinda new with the breed, i went at a convention and i saw a 90+/100 score brahma roo 14+ pounds, fluffy feathers so subconsciously i compare my roos with the one i saw hopefully in the future after adding some new blood i...
  17. Darius123

    Giant Silkie Project.

    Yes so if your hen is 10lbs, i would say that my rooster is average, given the fact that he is 11lbs. I still think his parents were a bit above avarage birds, but i sold his better looking brothers and sisters
  18. Darius123

    Giant Silkie Project.

    Height i dont really know it but i would say he may be around 40-45cm? Weight 5 kilograms. I think this is quite average for a brahma, but i like that he is calm, friendly and a gentleman. The flock is big so i will put a disclaimer that he is not really eating non-stop, his is sharing most of...
  19. Darius123

    Giant Silkie Project.

    Sadly no, but i've separeted my EE hen, until she is cleansed internally (i've got multiple roosters) and i will cross her to my best white brahma roosters, in hopes that maybe i will get a cockerel that inherited the size of his father and the specific futures of the EE hen.
  20. Darius123

    Giant Silkie Project.

    Actually no, the whole idea started from your project and from the little chick that i hatched in the last batch (he was a mistake, i only wanted pure brahma, but i guess my ER girl got in his way.) The chick that hatched is very similar to the one in the attached picture He is almost perfect...
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