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  1. BadChicknMath02


    Final Update on my Kitkat: He is now reunited with his flock, and the main rooster with all the ladies. He's happy and back to his old self! We believe he had a concussion, and are so thankful that he pulled through it. He is the best boy, and so sweet.
  2. BadChicknMath02

    Almost 3 week EE

    I love that color! What gender did it turn out to be?
  3. BadChicknMath02


    Thank you! I hope he gets better soon, too! He is able to lift his head more after seeing his flock, but he still has a bit of balance issues.
  4. BadChicknMath02


    We took him out to see his flock and he started crowing! It brought tears to my eyes. He's eating and walking now. Tight circles, but he walks!
  5. BadChicknMath02

    Keet wings

    I'm no professional on wings like I am with other stuff, but they kind of act like they're broken to me? Or at least have broken at some point, maybe? I could be wrong though
  6. BadChicknMath02


    Update No.3: He's becoming more responsive each day. We brought in one of his hens and he actually made a noise at her. He also pecked two of the new chicks we own, which means he can see and hear..and still be a bootyhole (LOL). He is still very droopy with his neck, but will look around and...
  7. BadChicknMath02


    Update no.2: he is now looking around, and eating! he stood up on his own to eat. Still very wobbly and lethargic so we helped him if he needed it. Also offering him some wet food to see if it goes down better.
  8. BadChicknMath02

    Cleaning run

    i use a shrub rake to clean out my two coops like this!
  9. BadChicknMath02


    UPDATE: I managed to take care of him throughout the night and morning (aka 2am). I made sure he had plenty of fluids and was still breathing, etc. Got up early this morning (7:30a) to check up on him. He's a lot more lively, but still acts a bit in shock. Pupils are still large and go in and...
  10. BadChicknMath02


    Thank you, and we hope he pulls through this with just the injuries to his comb and wattles.
  11. BadChicknMath02


    Yes, I've never hit any of my birds with anything, and my mom is extremely apologetic about it. She feels horrible, as she didnt mean to. She just didn't want Kitkat to kill Dimitri, as he was going to..
  12. BadChicknMath02


    (scroll to bottom if you dont want to read) So, I was with my mom and sister in our backyard taking care of our horse's hoof while my dad mowed the tall grass. All of our chickens were out running around and keeping from the mower.. (We have three coops and more than one rooster in each coop...
  13. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    Forget it then I guess. Not helping anyway.
  14. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    Cochins. Smaller winged ones.
  15. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    It's said at the top of the post.
  16. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    Again, I sexed ours just fine.
  17. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    I'll let everyone know in about a month if I'm right or not ;)
  18. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    It was accurate. You CAN wing-sex. There's nothing saying you cant, either.
  19. BadChicknMath02

    Anyone Know the Gender of these chicks?

    I've wing sexed the rest of ours just fine.
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