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  1. L

    Drake with white growth around his eye. What is it?

    Hi everyone, My muscovy drake, Peanut, all of a sudden has this weird white growth under one of his eyes. It wasn’t there yesterday as far as I’m aware. Google said it could be foamy eye disease, but it doesn’t look like foam. It’s looks squishy. I don’t know how to explain it. It might be an...
  2. L

    Mysterious Rooster Death

    Hi everyone. A few weeks back my favourite rooster, VB, died. It was extremely mysterious. VB was always a VERY friendly and talkative rooster. He’d follow you around and talk to you. My sister and I were hanging out with the chickens and ducks like normal and VB was friendly and talkative as...
  3. L

    Sick Muscovy Drake. Help!

    Hi everyone. About a month ago my favourite Muscovy drake, Bobby Sunshine, passed away. We had noticed that he had become slow, but thought nothing of it. Eventually he would barely move at all. My mum picked him up and noticed that he weighed nothing. He was extremely light which was very...
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