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  1. Ageless Chicks

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    Sorry for your loss. I lost my rooster almost 2 months ago. The hens are still staying in the run and not free ranging. I don't know what got the rooster but just his head was taken. It took me a week to find him. So my flock gets locked up and they are fine. I hope all goes well for you, I...
  2. Ageless Chicks

    Hens haven't laid an egg in months

    6 month olds not laying yet. I'm hopeful. The other issue after reading many threads is that I might have to many roosters. 3 roosters to 29 hens. I found 2 of the roosters a new home so very soon I will have only one rooster. I wanted more roosters because they are hard to get in my area in...
  3. Ageless Chicks

    Hens haven't laid an egg in months

    I've been feeding a 20% layer pellet feed from IFA Country store. Plus I have food scraps that they can have and lately some corn scratch. My 14 hens are 3 years old and my 15 hens are 6 months old. Last year my hens laid thru out the winter but slower. This year only one hen has laid. I'm...
  4. Ageless Chicks

    Hens haven't laid an egg in months

    My chickens haven't laid an egg since Sept/Oct. I have Bielefelder chickens, LOVE THEM! I have about 27 hens, 3 roosters note that 16 of the hens are 6 months old. I have one hen that gives me about 4-5 eggs a week recently. My first thought was my rooster was killed in front of the hens I...
  5. Ageless Chicks

    3 week old chicks suddenly dying

    Thanks for the comment on DE. I was not aware of the info. you gave. I use DE to kill the lice and have had success with it. When I dust the chicks I put just the bottoms in it. Will corn starch kill the lice?
  6. Ageless Chicks

    3 week old chicks suddenly dying

    I had 12 chicks hatch last year. All were doing well. Then 2 per day died until all were dead. They started acting tired and lifeless this symptom lasted only 1-2 days and they were gone. I finally figured out that I had lice in the nest box. I had a tragic accident myself and did not clean the...
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