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  1. S

    Chickens not laying

    Hey there, I have three chickens 2 of chickens hick are 27weeks and 1 which is 20 months. my 20 month is amazing and lays almost everyday even through the snow. However my 2 new ones are proving to be awful egg layers! 1 of them started laying at 22 weeks 2 weeks after I got them but stopped at...
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    Integrating birds

    I know it’s a slow and patient process but I just don’t ever see it working out. My 21week white star (who has not started laying eggs yet) and my 18 month Warren do not get on at all. I have to have another chicken as I only had one before my white star because the previous one had died. My...
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    Flighty white star

    Great, I will be doing this weekend thankyou
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    Flighty white star

    Hey. I’ve had my white star for 2 days now and let’s just say it’s not going as expected! I knew white stars were flighty but didn’t expect her to be so afraid of everything too. Of course she’s unsure because she’s moved somewhere new. She’s 20 weeks and should come into lay soon. I have 1...
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    Warren chickens

    Yes I have Warrens, as I am aware they are a hybrid breed of Rhode Island Red x light Sussex so quite a British chook. Mine too have distinct personalities and lay everyday even during winter
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    white star temperament?

    I’m looking into getting a white star chicken to join my Warren. I’ve seen the birds and let me pick them up although did seem a little panic stricken. I am aware through research that is hey are very flighty birds, what are your thoughts?
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    What breed is my chick????

    Hey there, I’m so glad to have found someone from Wales! I am thinking of getting chickens from Zoar’s and was wondering do u know, are the chickens/chicks there vaccinated? This is quite important to me
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    Chicken run ground

    Thanks for your help I think I’m going to try the deep litter method and/or wood chips
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    Chicken run ground

    You will probably be unfamiliar but we live in Wales; so quite rainy. The coop is medium size with a small run as they free roam the garden everyday and I only have 2. The run is just mesh wire covered so I cover it with tar polling but in harsher conditions this seams not to be enough as rain...
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    Chicken run ground

    Hey everyone, my chicken run gets very boggy and muddy and gross during rainier times of year. Currently the ground of my chicken run is just soil/mud. I don’t know about anybody else’s chickens but my 2 hens poop A LOT so I’m looking for a bedding I that can withstand their poo and that I don’t...
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    Consequences of Marek disease

    Thankyou so much, this is very helpful. I am keeping a very close eye on my hen and as days pass am growing surer that it was not Marek disease as theres so many things that It could have been. I have questioned my local hatchery and they have assured me that the vaccine should successfully...
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    Consequences of Marek disease

    No we didn’t, the vet was very bla say and insisted she be put down as she was very ill
  13. S

    Consequences of Marek disease

    Hey everyone, I’m in a bit of a pickle! I had 2 vaccinated Warren chickens, sisters, POL. Had them for 18 months, lovely with no issues. One of them suddenly became very ill, random symptoms but the vet said they thought it was Marek’s disease and my chicken was put down. I had been quarantining...
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