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  1. PandemicChicken

    Hen pecking at dirt where there was a heating fuel/oil spill! Wiped her soil-stained beak & very strong oil smell

    One of my hens keeps getting into the area where heating fuel/oil spilled all over the ground a month ago. The ground was covered in leaves & I thought was frozen, but she managed to dig/peck her way through to reach the soft soil where there’s still oil residue/fuel that got absorbed into the...
  2. PandemicChicken

    Chicken constantly itching all over, lethargic, loss of appetite, extended neck & gaping for air? URI? Please help!

    Hi! These last 2 weeks, my hen has been losing feathers and itching all over, specifically her neck, and has been eating/drinking less and less. At first, I thought she was going through a slow molt with all the itching and feathers she was losing, but many are the fluffy down feathers. She's...
  3. PandemicChicken

    Potential human contact with waterfowl - how to prevent/disinfect for avian flu & contaminated shoes?

    So my family and I visited the ocean harbor and saw waterfowl (mainly wild ducks) in the water and some seagulls flying around. For context, there are 2 cases of avian flu in my county and both flocks were euthanized. We don't think we accidentally stepped in fresh bird poop, but could have...
  4. PandemicChicken

    Broody chicken deep breathing with her mouth open, neck extended, pale comb/waddle, eyes squinting

    Hello! I'm distressed and seeking advice because my only hen (sole survivor of animal attack) seems unwell: her comb/waddle has turned pale pink and drooped, which is a drastic difference from how it stood tall and red 2 months ago (picture comparison). She's been opening her mouth more...
  5. PandemicChicken

    Sole chicken has thinning wing feathers, but recovering from mites and molting?

    Hi, this is my 1st time posting and 1st time chicken owner after my dad irresponsibly bought chicks in March 2020. We experienced a predator attack that left us emotionally traumatized, with only 1 small hen left named Jin (we thought Jin was a cute name but didn't know the chick's gender at the...
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