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  1. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I ended up getting 4 iowa blues from Ideal Poultry, 2 silver phoenix, 2 EE, and 2 welsummer. All but 2 arrived in great shape and have absolutely flourished. They have been so fun to play with and have around. They (especially the welsummer and EE that survived predators....) come running when...
  2. Fawnpuppet

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I figured you guys would appreciate the reminder 😜
  3. Fawnpuppet

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I showed this to my husband tonight. He loved it. Thanks for sharing Bob.
  4. Fawnpuppet

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I have 4 iowa blues, 2 welsummer, and 2 EE coming mid-March. I already have a cochin bantam roo, blue Australorp, black australorp, and a lavender orpington.
  5. Fawnpuppet

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Time to reminisce a bit... Reading this has me super excited for the 2 phoenixes I have coming in March. I'm getting a couple of 4 different breeds to try but hearing how friendly and neat the phoenixes are, I'm glad I have some coming.
  6. Fawnpuppet

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I know that personally, I am very willing to learn what is more natural for them when they go broody so I can try to accommodate that as close as I can in their current environment. The thing is that I have no experience or information to draw from. Thats why I appreciate rants and advice so I...
  7. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I do agree that it is a lot up to the individual themselves but there are breed tendencies. For instance, I know there are people whose flocks don't lay in winter, mine are all laying and I'm not doing anything to promote it. I don't provide artificial light or heat and the temp has ranged from...
  8. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    It's official! All three of my hens are laying. A second, who I am pretty sure is B, laid an egg on 12/31. This morning Blue was making a racket. I later found her in the nesting box making some pur/trilling noises. B joined her in the second box, which is the one I found the egg last year in...
  9. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I decided to get a couple of a bunch of breeds. Some Iowa blues, silver phoenix, welsummer, and EE. I'm super excited for these new chickies
  10. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I did seriously consider welsummers and hope to get one in my dark brown egger mix I have coming (barnevelder, cuckoo maran, and welsummer are the ones they are hatching this year) but I might just order some of them specifically. Thank you for pointing that out. I couldn't quite put words to...
  11. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I've heard EE's have quite the personality. That's why I was considering them. That and who wouldn't like colorful eggs?
  12. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    Those are certainly very pretty! I'll definitely look into them. And good foragers, love land... they sound like a really good fit
  13. Fawnpuppet

    Which breed would you recommend

    I know there are a lot of these threads and I'm sorry to add another one. But if you are here then that means you're interested, right? :oops: Ok on to the topic. I'm looking to expand my flock in a couple months and am questioning what I should do. I currently have a small band of 4 (cochin...
  14. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    All is well Later today I went out to the run to check the flock. There was no snow or frost on the little ladies and they were all energetic and lively as usual. Thankfully, the snowstorm didn't get to them too bad. #2 was in the coop getting ready to lay. However, she was on the roost and not...
  15. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    They do have somewhere dry to go. We have a truck camper shell a few yards away from their coop. They usually spend their days in it away from the weather. I'd like to think their coop is fairly predator proof; only the back worries me. It's the weather that is creating issues right now.
  16. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    Part II With the covering done (I didn't get a picture yet because it was late at night when I finished because I needed my SO help to put it on) I was pleased with how it looked and expected it to hold up. A few days passed and it held up beautifully in the wind and rain. I thought I figured it...
  17. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    Coop improvements and still feeling like a bad chickie parent Over the course of the week I put up the plastic sheeting like I wanted. I got all the stuff together and started. It took a while to find some wood amidst the construction leftovers that I could work with but I finally found some...
  18. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    I know it's been a few days since my last post, but it's been a busy weekend. We went up to celebrate Christmas with family over the weekend. But good news! We finally got our table saw. Now I can work on the coop. There's a good storm in the forecast in a few days so I need to get things ready...
  19. Fawnpuppet

    Lost to life farm

    I am going to move it again hopefully before the end of the year. The "pasture" they are in has been worn down (its a completely undeveloped property so I am using the chickens to clear the land.) The bottom is 1/2" hardware cloth. It's also on the front and front half of the sides. I've been...
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