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  1. xXChickenTenderXx

    Neck Pecking

    My chickens have slowly developed a habit of pecking each others necks. I have posted a forum last winter about this, and concluded it was from boredom and lack of space. We have made many changes since them. I don't understand why they would keep pecking each others necks, for we have expanded...
  2. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken Not Laying!

    Out of eleven chickens, we have only been getting 9 eggs a day. We were getting ten, but now yet another may have stopped laying. I'm not positive who is laying and who isn't, though I am trying to keep track of them. One chicken was previously laying in the woods and we found where she layed...
  3. xXChickenTenderXx

    Missing Chicken!

    We have one chicken that has been lost for three hours! All of the chickens were free ranging on out hill for fifteen minutes when we noticed one gone. We immediately looked an have been as much as possible. There are no signs that she has been mauled or wandered off. Any tips to lure her back?
  4. xXChickenTenderXx

    Eagle In the Neighbourhood

    We have noticed that there is a bald eagle down the road (which is a pretty safe distance) is watching on of our neighbors chickens. It has been there for at least two days. We haven't seen any blood or any of their chickens missing, so the eagle doesn't seem active. Is the eagle going to...
  5. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken obsessed with nesting box!

    My chicken has been spending a lot of time in a nesting box. She is lays green eggs, so I can tell when she lays. She will get up to eat or drink and return back, even if she already laid. She has been doing this for awhile, but recently she has really been devoted to staying in there. Last...
  6. xXChickenTenderXx

    Bored Chickens pecking each other!

    Most of my chickens have feathers missing on their necks. The ones who don't are near the bottom of the pecking order. It is very windy and cold, because we live in AK, and they choose not to free range anymore.We try to keep them entertained with treats two or three times a day and lettuce...
  7. xXChickenTenderXx

    Strange Acting Chicken!

    We have a chicken that has recently started acting strange. We got her and eleven other chickens in late April, so they aren't even a year old. This particular chicken is a barred rock. She used to have a sassy, snappy personality. Recently, she has been staying under the heat lamp in that we...
  8. xXChickenTenderXx

    New Member Introduction

    Hello! We have just started raising chicken in spring. We have 12 chickens and five different breeds. We have three golden sex links, two rhode island reds, two blue sapphires, two color packs, and three barred rocks. I really enjoy the farm fresh eggs we get and I love how each one has their...
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