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  1. aurorarora

    Chick ID

    There are four chicks. I’ll try to post clearer pictures One with eyeliner and chipmunk stripes: One that was super fluffy as a chick with brown patches over her eyes. And two that were grey with blackish faces. Their combs are coming in much flatter. I’ll try to get a better picture...
  2. aurorarora

    Chick ID

    They are from Hoovers Hatchery and are supposed to be speckled Sussex and cream crested legbars. Here are pics at day old and at three weeks.
  3. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Hanging in there. The nystatin keeps the crop down but it’s definitely slow. She may have water belly but the doctor didn’t pick up any heart, liver issues, internal egg or large tumours. It could be an infection somewhere or smaller tumours.
  4. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    The crop went down significantly overnight after one dose of antibiotics and antifungal. The antibiotic is Amoxiclav We are going to try to figure out the underlying cause at the vet on Monday. Hopefully an xray can tell us more. She is pooping now. She only stopped pooping for about 12...
  5. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Thank you! Her crop is smaller but she still has a low appetite. She’s eating some but not a lot
  6. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    OK so the vet just called me and said there was no fungal overgrowth in the crop liquid that she had tested. She recommended we stop the nystatin, but I'm nervous because I assumed it was helping. The vet had given one antibiotic pill when she was here and prescribed more to start in a couple...
  7. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Thank you. So we have started her on Nystatin, which is helping a lot. It's very difficult to administer because we have to give her 8mL and she is so incredibly wiggly. I've medicated other chickens, and none have been this difficult. She was squirting liquid as we were trying to get her first...
  8. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Update: We let her out of the crate to walk around a bit, which made her quite happy. She pooped a small amount of clear white mucisy poop, with some greenish blobs in it. I'm glad she got that out, but still worried. I have been reading and researching and there is so much conflicting...
  9. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Big Bertha is a nearly 2 year old red sex link. Two days ago we noticed she wasn't really eating. Her crop was big and squishy and she was kind of burping and moving her neck funny. We checked her crop yesterday morning and it wasn't any smaller. When I picked her up, she spit out some brown...
  10. aurorarora

    Drafty & leaky nesting boxes

    That's a good idea. It is from the hinges primarily that the drafts and water are coming in. I'd like to insulate them as well. We have a lot of frozen eggs even though we collect 2-3 times a day
  11. aurorarora

    Drafty & leaky nesting boxes

    Thank you! I live in Ontario. We are covered with snow right now so I don't think I can get a really good picture so I took one from the internet that shows the type of box. Mine is very similar to this
  12. aurorarora

    Drafty & leaky nesting boxes

    I need some help modifying my nesting boxes to encourage my ladies to use them. They are currently laying in a little nest they made under their stairs. The current nesting boxes are not ideal, especially in the current very cold winter conditions. They are exterior to the coop and have a top...
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