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    Help! Hens attacking new rooster!

    What do you mean by DUCT TAPE😳😬
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    Morning Glory and other poisonous plants

    Kudzu is a fire hazard and can grow 15 inches a day. It is really invasive and some places don’t want it grown at all. You can eat the leaves and roots, which is good, but it also can cause liver problems🤷‍♀️
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    HELP! URGENT: Day 19 w/low humidity - KEBONNIXS

    That is the problem. I have one too and the little paper manual is ridiculous. The temp and humidity don’t match the thermometer that they said to buy , to check and make sure they are right . Thinking about another brand.
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    Why do some people say that mealworms can be toxic and contain heavy metals? They say that during the process of making them, it doesn’t take toxins out. I bought an expensive 5 lb bag from TS and now I’m scared to feed them any. I also read where it is illegal in some states and also in Europe...
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    Can I feed bagged Alfalfa

    Just a thought jhm47, they didn’t have pellets a long time ago for them and also God didn’t create pellets for them at creation I’m sure😂. Alfalfa is fine for them to graze on
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