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  1. Artizen Farm

    Male goose pulling female’s feathers.

    May be a dominance thing - adult males bit the female's head while mating, in the water which is primarily where they mate. Geeses are intelligent creatures and have individual personalities. He might not like her. Hopefully he'll get over it if she's the only girl in town...
  2. Artizen Farm

    Neighborhood Association Issues

    One lovely thing about geese is that they are grazers, and when they are allowed to forage on grasses their poop is not smelly and is beneficial for your property. I've heard them called "fertilizer noodles"...
  3. Artizen Farm


    Agreed! Many years ago a whole flock wandered through the woods and found a field that had just been sprayed with herbicide. Some survived....
  4. fluffball20220426_171102.jpg


    Two days after hatch
  5. Artizen Farm

    Hatch day

  6. Artizen Farm

    Can’t leave my Gosling girls

    Are they warm enough?
  7. Artizen Farm

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Wow your pheasants survive the summers? I figured it was too hot for them. I had them in Virginia, now I'm in the Delta...
  8. Artizen Farm

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    I don't remember whether I did a State post - I'm in the Delta. Hoping for goslings :)
  9. Artizen Farm

    Gosling introduction to free range flock

    I'd be careful with the water until they are fully accepted and able to swim competently - the adults might drown them if they are hostile or just clumsy...
  10. Artizen Farm

    Freshly hatched gosling in incubator

    It takes a while for them to be able to stand and chirp. Keep it warm and comfy while it dries and learns to stand. When it stands up it will try to get out, so keep it safe from escaping/falling - the brooder should be ok - do you have a mom for it? or is that you? I wouldn't put it with the...
  11. Artizen Farm

    What the heck is my new gander doing?

    Love this thread! Better than a soap opera! Here is one of my ganders trying to look tough lol
  12. Artizen Farm

    Thinking about getting Geese

    I feed mine cracked corn, which they seem to love (my partner & I call it "crack") but not too much because we want them to graze. I hand feed them a bit, and pet them while I do it. They communicate quite clearly that this is not their preference (gander: "just put it on the ground, human!")...
  13. Artizen Farm

    Goose vs. Incubator?

    Thanks! I can't answer your question, but I'm sure it will depend on several factors - fertility of both parents and handling by you and your incubator quality, or the brooder - I mean the broody goose or geese. Probably other stuff too. Sorry I can't be more helpful, I'm learning too! They are...
  14. Artizen Farm

    Lethargic goose

    You have my sympathy 💔, it sounds like you need advice from a vet, and that can be difficult and expensive - more sympathy. We lost one of our flock, presumably ate something toxic or traumatic (like a roofing nail?). It was quick but still painful. I hope she recovers!
  15. Artizen Farm

    Goose vs. Incubator?

    How old is she?
  16. Artizen Farm

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    What kind of nesting containment do people offer to free-ranging geese? I have given mine some 55 gallon drums on their sides, and I've been told that's a bad idea? is it? why?
  17. Artizen Farm

    My goose is gay

    I've read of this behavior before, but can't advise on "team changing" 😆 Polyamory is common so I guess anything goes - or gooses...
  18. Artizen Farm

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    So nice to hear everyone's stories. We started our with a dozen hatchery-bought gozzies, tried to teach the dogs to be nice to them - meet the babies, don't eat the babies. That was 2 years ago. Last year they laid eggs pretty haphazardly and even so hatched a few; the flock increased to 17...
  19. Artizen Farm

    Where can I find goslings?

    Many hatcheries will ship goslings through the US Postal service. They also have web sites and catalogues that you can examine for breed traits. I have white embdens and they make me very happy.
  20. Artizen Farm

    Insects as feed for poultry

    What are your experiences and attitudes about using insects as food for poultry? Do you buy insects, or would you?
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