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    Ducklings not exploring outside coop - 1 closing eyes and dozing off HELP?

    Hi guys, I have 3 - 4 week old off heat ducklings. Which arrived 3 days ago. They are living in a large coop with shavings and we also left a pillow in a turned over box for them to cuddle on at night. At night we close the coop but during the day we keep the door open so they can explore their...
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Thanks for advice I will look into getting the hardware cloth, we also have a coop that we can hopefully put a door on to keep them secure at night time
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    New Duck Mom!!

    That's one thing I am a bit afraid of, we have a small bit of land and our house is detached so we don't have neighbours right on top of us but their garden is close enough to the pen.... mind you they have a very noisy dog that we don't mind
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Thanks for the advice, we are going to look into getting 3 or possibly even 4! The pen is already covered in chickenwire but we are looking to get a door on our coop to keep them save at night and will maybe reinforce the pen with the stronger hard cloth. What feed would you reccomend? They will...
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Hi, what would you reccomend? We live in Ireland so the only things around really that could harm them is Rats,Cats,Badgers and Minks
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Yes, I would be afraid of that! I will get rid of the stingers and look out for thorns the rest should be fine
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Thanks!! Glad to have joined a lovely community! So weed killer is a deffinite no-go even if the ducks won't be in the coop for a week or two?
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Thanks Isadora!! I was thinking that, its is entirely overgrown though and a lot of it is stingers, would stingers hurt them too?
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Thank you Dr Evy!!
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    New Duck Mom!!

    Hi All! I have decided to get some ducks, ideally I will start with 2 and then in time probably add another 1-2 in a few months. I am hoping to get some white call ducks but open to others also. I have a large pen/run with 2 decent sized coops in it. It is enclosed in chicken wire and...
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